I don't split at night but do at times have to move wood or load some compost for a morning delivery. Had lights put on my ROPS a few years back that swivel forward and back so that I can use my tractor at night. You would think tractor manufactures would put better lighting systems on at the factory.
Motion lights need motion to work, so yeah............... Mine come on even when I'm not working. Need a working....not working, sensor.
Mine came with hers disabled. Leaves me roaming around not knowing WTH to do most of the time. However, if I had one of those sensors.........well, I'd still be in the dark, but you get the idea.
Welcome to the forum Woodsnwoods. The light setup we have is called March. That is when daylight hours are getting longer! That is, we cut in winter, split and stack in spring. No artificial lights used for this task.
LOL Same here, 5 to 6 hours of daylight in winter , March is similar to what we have now (10-11 hours) & hours growing 5 min /day
Split some wood today ... can't be positive but I'm pretty sure my body is synchronized with mother nature ... as the days grow shorter, so do my work sessions. No lights for this old goat; I call it a day, take a shower, open a beer and check FHC. And when it is cold enough to burn every day I'll be in heaven!
Be careful when working; I would not cut under lights; too hard to see what you are doing unless they are powerful lights and lots of them. Better to be safe than sorry as Mum use to say.
I don't ever cut when it is dark out. I have no fear of any machine or tool but I respect the power of what that machine, tool can do as much good as it can do bad. This including everything from a chain saw to an automobile to a hammer. We are only the operators and must be smart about using these tools and equipment that make our lives faster, easier and more productive. I saw again that the most dangerous job in the USA is that of Loggers and Tree Service. This should tell all of us that if someone who is doing these jobs daily can get hurt or killed we should be extra careful. To all be safe and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
I don't cut at night but do split and stack in the evening as it's cooler and let's me use the afternoon time for cutting. I will usually cut two or three trees when I get home then split and stack them after diner. I have lights on the tractor that can be turned front or back and floodlights that light up the whole yard barn area if need be.
Used the LED light last night skidding out some tops with the tractor....it may be one of my best investments since I was able to work for at least an hour after I normally would. I cut a bunch up while there was day lights, and dragged them out to my log pile in case the safety guys are looking. Highly recommend lights for those of you working, hunting, driving through the woods after dark.
I have used the splitter while getting light from a coleman lantern on the tailgate near by a couple of times. Not ideal but it worked when it needed to be done.