"Darn Tough" socks made in Vermont, lifetime guarantee, wear em out? Send em back you'll get a new pair, It's all I wear, year round, same family that makes Cabot cheese.
Hmmmmm, socks and cheese? Is that how they make blue cheese, Limburger, others? Strain the milk thru the test socks J/K, DG Interesting, the lifetime warranty is sweet!
Huntindog1 must have really got into that cold wood cuttin, he ain't been back to show us his cold day in the woods.
Left the house for the neighbors at 6 degrees this am did a little climbing and bagged me three nice ash trees a little over a full cord maybe cord and a half and made the neighbor happy in the process it was up to 25 by the time we finished dragging brush at 1pm good day!!