What's worse is the homeowners will put the "tree guy" in the middle of it most time. Since you do that kinda work, if you have a situation similar where a tree is close to the property line but clearly on one side and the neighbor who wants the overhanging branches on their property trimmed back. Do you talk first with the neighbor who technically owns the tree before starting the work?
It really depends on the situation. If I need access to the tree and it’s on the neighbors I always ask. I ask myself and don’t have my client do it. Nine times out of ten it’s no big deal, but it’s that one time that will hang you.
Not to hijack this thread but……We live in the country with 75 AC, mix of pasture and lots of woods. Been here 25 years and just recently received a request from a neighbor who borders our property about a tree (Oak) that she says is dropping “trash and leaves” on their property. It’s not at all close to their house. I want to be a good neighbor about this but here in the country we always just clean up what limbs, etc. that fall on our side of the property line and don’t say anything about it. I will add that this person has cut every single tree out of their yard in the last couple of years. ( They moved out here from “town”) I believe that they sold the wood for firewood. The place isn’t a tajmahal but not unkept either. How to approach this…..suggestions? I’m considering telling them to just blow the leaves and throw the branches on our side of the line from that area.
At this point merely a complaint. I’m trying to assess how I want to approach it, plus I’m just recovering from COVID. 2nd time enjoying the Wuhan flu
Yeah, I own the property behind three houses in a row on 1/2 acre lots. The newset neighbor right next door is an ashhole and he's cut some branches that hang over his prop. I've given up being nice to the guy because he seems to get his jollies manipulating people. The second house the guy died but while he was alive he did the same. Why move to the country from the city and want no trees I don't quite understand. The third house has another set of new owners I haven't talked to yet. The guy does his Fall cleanup and blows the leaves onto my property, maybe branches, too. As long as it's not piles of garbage it's not worth making a stink about and when it comes right down to it all the leaves will compost and become dirt. Problem is, far too often it starts with leaves and what not and then it's beer bottles and then garbage. I want woods, not a dump.
Saw this this morning, anyone want to wreck a chain on a yard tree STUMP??? OAK free (Holy Cross Hosp) craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap This 4’x4’ Oak trunk is available for those wishing to hack away with their chainsaw. Oak is valued not only for its’ excellent burning quality, but artistic types may use to create home and art projects. See the kennedy-center.org “Reach to Forest” festival from 2/20 - 3/3 to watch a chainsaw artist demo or view Carving Colin for ideas.
I'm willing to practice my fire skills on that stump no problem. Will bring my accelerant too... No liability for the home.