I have Spruce on the list. Do you know if there is much of a difference between white and black for BTU and weight? If there is enough of a difference I can change it to include both.
Black Spruce is heavier than white spruce . And it seems to have more heat in it . Black Spruce is harder but more brittle. I do not know exact btu differences. Black Spruce grows like and looks like an old , wore out , bent , small diameter bottle brush . At least in Alaska. Sorry , that's not what you asked . And I don't have good answers for your questions. One can tell right away wether they picked up a black or a white spruce. Same diameter and length . The black will weigh 15ish % more .
This is Osage Orange? If so, it has been added. Thanks for the info. Up here we just have a ton of black spruce, kids call it broccoli lol. No white spruce to compare it to though. I have removed spruce and added white/black spruce. Reorganized the wood type list a bit as well.
If you guys are interested in checking out a new version, it is in testing here: Firewood Calculator – Accurate Cord Volume & Weight Measurement - Option to switch between metric and imperial - Option to set burn efficiency - A bunch of small misc fixes
Our White Spruce by and large looks like what most think a spruce tree looks like . The Black Spruce looks like an old bent up narrow neck bottle brush that is dark green . Makes for good hot burning firewood. Not very good for much else because it tends to be so crooked, nothing but limbs from the ground to the tip. . If it gets scorched real good in a wildfire and a person doesn't mind a wavy fence line . They make good fence posts .
I finally got around to finishing up the page, made a few small changes to values on outputs, mainly BTUs, pretty minor. Got me thinking of another fun thing to build