No fire today ! Open windows ! (maybe just a crack but it counts) 55ºF outside and sunny. I'm sure all the weeds are rejoicing.
32F. I just ran out of firewood in the house. Boiler still hot enough to throw heat for a while longer. Time to get some exercise and move another half a face cord of Maple inside. Looks like a pretty nasty forecast for the entire weekend here.
Still sitting at -16 C or 4 F, and this is supposed to be the end of the abnormal cold, but if this year has taught me anything, I won't hold my breath.
In the 80s here today. Had a few pieces of wood in the stove each of the last few nights to keep the house out of the 60s at night and next day. But we didn't hit 80 till today.
Today is over 30 degrees cooler than yesterday... That is a big drop in one day. Trying to rain off and on but so far not much at all; probably would not even register in a rain gauge and I won't put our gauge out until it warms up a bit more. Still predicting ice tomorrow and Sunday and we're still hoping they are wrong.
Tomorrow will be 84 or so they say. I think that was predicted for Augusta GA and I live an hour North of there so we could be a degree or 2 colder or hit 84 too?
Might have some fun here also this weekend Sav? Alerts: Kingston, Ontario: Kingston - Odessa - Frontenac Islands - The Weather Network
Wind blowing 40 to 50 MPH all day today. Temp around 29F. 20 to 25 MPH I do not mind but this 40 to 50 stuff is bad news. I will be picking up wood piles tomorrow.
Got up to 50 today but no sun until late. Short lived occasional Showers. Had two pine loads this afternoon just to bring the temp back up a little. Probably won't reload later.
Just running the pellet stove at the moment. Mid 30s tonight with temps falling to the upper 20s tomorrow morning. Expecting 3"-5" of snow.
We got up to 65 today, it was like summer! Now the temps will drop to sleet and ice pellets over the next couple days. I got 2 cords split and stacked Wed. & Thur. Making progress, a few more cords to go.
Mid to upper 30's today but this evening, the wind started getting serious. Total for Sunday is at 10".
Loading up with some soft maple it’s about 28 out waiting for snow and freezing rain to hit for the rest of the weekend. I’m hoping to get out and block up some wood today and haul a load home tomorrow after work. But if I have to suffer by sitting in front of the stove drinking hot tea tomorrow after work I’ll manage Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk