8°+F, slight breeze, clear skies, a skiff of snow in the night, sausage, onions and mushrooms in the skillet. Black locust in the stove.
10F here. A very thick bed of Maple coals with standing dead White Pine tossed on top. Yesterday morning I cleaned up 3-4 inches of snow we received. This morning looks like we have another 1-1/2” or so. Tomorrow they are calling for 5-8” for our area. We’ll see. I was enjoying working in the cold with little to no snow on the ground.
LOL, I was raised by parents that grew up very rural during the Great Depression, we always ate a hearty breakfast to fuel a morning full of hard work.
I had a good breakfast, diced potatoes fried with bacon salt, 3 eggs , 3 link sausages and juice. I like onions but they don't like me early in the morning
Gotcha! So far they don't bother me, but the ol' acid reflux has me backed off on the coffee. I lost a very close friend to esophageal cancer, so I take the acid reflux management very seriously.
Take care of yourself, the hospital will take care of your Dad. Pseudoephedrine helps, I don't recommend the method below...
Sorry to hear about all of the above. Hopefully nothing too serious with your dad. Watch out for yourself with that Flu.
Two chunks a holly and wound nellie down at 2215 up at 0515 and she’s still glowing nicely , couple a bits a kindling and off she goes again. And so did I to work Temp when I got up 7 hours later