-18*F here this morning. Loaded up OWB yesterday at 2:30pm with Hard Maple. It only lasted 18hrs just loaded with Ash and Poplar to get thru till this evening. My dog stuck her nose out the door then turned and ran back into the house.
Apparently we hit -24 overnight according to the thermometer, it was -22 just before daylight. Cold enough for me to be sitting here on the 'puter at 9:30 am on a sunny beautiful day.
-9 out now. Lake Michigan is keeping us warmer than others in this state. Only 1 dog went outside, but we call him a baby polar bear. The older dog said hellz no! and has not gone out. I don't blame him.
I'll say it again that I feel for most of you!!! We were at a whopping 8º this morning and it's only 10º now. Usually our weather is dictated by our water temperature, I'm surround on 3 sides with water and 7 blocks from the Delaware bay but we've been blasted with the North westerly wind and thats where we get the coldest blast from. The weather underground is saying about 16º now. Were usually about 38º this time of year. The positive thing about this is I'm burning up all my Maple that's 4 and 5 years old, I've hit a 2 cord mark already! I got 3 more to go to burn my winter quota and I don't think I'll have a problem. I'm glad to get rid of some of this Maple Delaware Bay Front Weather | Personal Weather Station: KNJLOWER6 by Wunderground.com | Weather Underground
Dave I bet your normal cold feels a bunch colder than the thermometer says with all that water around you!
-9* this morning and windy. The stove did well with a load of hickory and oak. I loaded up with more of the same but threw a big cherry split in as well. We are pushing the old smoke dragon hard for heat. It looks like we have another week of below zero weather.
2 here. Just went out and dig into the primo stash, white oak and apple. Hopefully it’ll last a little longer, the elm and red maple wasn’t cutting it. Dags in and out in under a minute, no play, no sniffing, nothing but laying in front of the fire.
Yes! Mostly it's because the wind here, it starts blowing in early October and never stops till about Memorial day! Not to mention it's always "damp" as well. That kills me some days with all my aches and stuff. In June, July and August when you want a breeze, you can't buy one!
Looking at the forecast, there might be some relief coming before too long. Yet, the next 2 days are supposed to be warmer (around 20) then another really cold spell for a couple days. After that, perhaps warmer.
10 and snowing like a winter monsoon. Shut the shoulder stove down yesterday, left open the mud room door and fired the Woodchuck. It got up over 90 in here with both going even as one was winding down and the Woodchuck was gearing up and heating up from 36* the mud room and furnace room loaded with 1.5 cord of cold wood. No more hauling wood into the house,,,,,, just turn around and grab from the stack to load the furnace.easy peasey ! Most of the wood stack in furnace room now is hard maple , oak and beech. Gonna be easy living for 4-6 weeks till a refill is needed. Will haul a few buckets of coal up from bin this afternoon.
Apparently the extreme cold warning has ended in my neck of the woods. But it's still -27 C feels -36 C, or -16 F feels -33 F. Temps are supposed to be nicer, but the wind is picking up now, just can't win
The warm up has begun here. It was -33c yesterday and this morning it was -17c. Ill take it! If I had to pick my temperature it would be about -10c/14f but I guess mother nature will give me what I get. I just loaded the stove with lodgepole pine. I have a very sleepy household. Happy New years!!
I think we're up to 10F now. I'm sitting comfortably in shorts and a tee shirt. I took my daughter down to the pond to walk on the ice a few hours ago. The walk down the street wasn't too bad, but as soon as we rounded the corner of the.last house the wind hit us. Holy crap was that miserable! It took longer to get her dressed than we spent on the ice.
I think tomorrow we should see much better temps in the -12 C/-24 C overnight according to the weather guessers. Just gonna finish drowning my sorrows with venison and hashbrowns in mushroom soup.
i went out to shed and got the stove lit while it is slowly warming up i got the kerosene heater lit as well its 29 in here and it is 17 outside burning poplar and pine. its around 70-71 in the house but the wind has been blowing hard all day. plan on working on some saws in the shed im tired of setting around the house.