What kind of stove are you running? How old is your house? Could air sealing, insulation or window film help you to retain some of the heat that your current stove is generating? Insulating an attic access or just not using a room or two could help save you from burning oil. I also hate to to turn on the boiler!!!!!
Oooooo. We cut our channels back to 2-13 last January. Not much good on. A bunch of over drama tized crap in most instances. No substance. The kids use Netflix to watch some stuff. That is good for them. I do no know anything about this Roku. I did just buy one of those new fangled Blue Ray players with all that smart stuff. I need to read the manual and get it so it is using our wireless remote from the internet which is provided by Time Warner Cable and see what I can do with that. I guess it will allow me to view youtube stuff on the TV. Along with a bunch of other stuff I have not used yet. Not enough time in the day. (Or desire from me to watch more TV. LOL) But, if I can find interesting stuff, then I will watch it more in the winter time.
Wind chill is 6 right now. Was going to cut some wood today, and still might, but now I'm thinking twice about it.
Works great for netflix, we take advantage of their free months when the kids are up. Also, sister in law has amazon prime for the shipping and it comes with a free netflix like service which we use. But there are tons of channels and even about three cable channel, although they aren't nationwide.
That wind chill sounds nasty. Stay out of it. I worked in it the other day because I needed to get chit done. But if you don't have to....... Or maybe you can find a spot to work out of the wind. Lukem. You prolly have 3 years worth of wood all stashed. What do you need to do that for?
I'm probably close to 4 years on wood. I just feel like running the saw. Been in meetings and on airplanes for the past 3 days...need to get outside and do something.
little f100 for the stove , just not big enough. the house is a 70's electric need the windows ect. biggest problem is single and teen temps with 50 mph wind gusts. not our usual November cool down. happ thanksgiving
I hear ya. Lived in a 1972 raised ranch a couple of years ago with little insulation, the original oil fired FHW boiler and original single paned windows. We saved on oil by using electric heaters to only heat the portions of the house we were using (when not using the whole house) as well as putting plastic film on the windows (to eliminate the draft) and an insulated box over the attic access made of 3/8" plywood and several layers of foam board insulation. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!! BTW. it's already turkey day over here.
Woke up to sleet lapping the windows around 2am. Spent half the day in a 60' manlift that didn't want to work half the time 34F and blowing 15 out of the NW. House was 70 when I got home GF stoked it with some cypress and oak - I added a couple splits of long leaf pine splits to bump it up 74, can feel my fingers now Supposed to go down in the upper teens tonight - some hickory yuletide splits lay in wait
Still burning the shoulder season wood, pine & hemlock. It was just above 32 all day, it's down to 26. The wind & snow are starting to pick up.
Put plastic on the inside of all the downstairs window today- sheet of 4 mil folded in half. Also have 6 mil on the outside. Hoping the house will stay warmer whilst we are at work, the furnace has been dangerously close to kicking on!
Natural gas. We have it set at 50, modern refrigeration doesn't function properly below that and you start having issues with frozen good thawing. Went away for the weekend once and came home to a puddle running out of the side by side.
Ditto that. Just got back last week from whirlwind biz trip to Asia--Portland to San Fran to Tokyo to Singapore to Malaysia to Hong Kong to China to Hong Kong to San Fran and back. Been in so many mtgs that the days have been a blur. Soooo ready for Thanksgiving and really want to run the saws as well.
As they say, learn something new every day.. I just thought you had to keep a fridge from "freezing" in the garage or something. I guess my refrigerators have always been "last year's" model. Speaking of refrigerators.. Not a great video but this is pretty cool. I want one. Just need to figure out how to bring it home with me.
Had an overnight coal burn as it was a little milder. Gonna dump some ash and load er up with the good stuff before heading off to feast today.