Our cold snap will start on Sat. Above zero until then. Too bad I couldn't send you something nicer.....
So winter decided to come back, sitting at -14 C feels -24 C ( 7 F feels -11 F) at the moment, and that's about as warm as it's going to get for today. Poplar chugging along.
Well . we have mild winter weather it seems this week . 6 above at the moment here . Poplar, cottonwood and a piece of white spruce in the stove. Last night. I filled the stove with mostly all poplar. Let it get hot then throttled it down. At bed time I corked it down almost tight . this morning at 6:45 there were still lots of coals in it. Toyo probably kicked on over night. But that's good. Got a good nights sleep.
Sometimes it really is amazing how fast a foot of snow can disappear. Feels like spring outside! Feels good and wish it would stay this way for a while. Geeze, I never used to feel this way...
Was close to 40 yesterday and 42 today. Quite a bit of our snow has melted and turned the walk and drive into a muddy mess. Tomorrow it'll all be ice after the 19 we expect tonight. Lovely.
38 out, burning Elm & Red Maple. Keeping the house warm to dry clothes. We use two clothes racks by the woodstove to dry everything from October to April. After that time we dry clothes on the racks on the deck in the sun. Saves money both ways.
We got close to 60* today. I let the stove go out and the heat pump maintained 70* indoor temps. Stove is up and running again on hackberry and cherry.
High of 57.7 °F Low of 21.2 °F They're calling for a low of 16 °F Thursday which means it'll dip below the teens at my place. I might have a reason to burn a little black locust.
Warmer here - 40 with a low of 26. Hope the roads are still wet instead of frozen by 5:00. Poplar and box elder keeping the house warm, little soft maple on deck for overnight.
At 39°F Outside 59°F inside, fire is going on a cold start. Alder, Birch and Cottonwood. I was gone most of today in Seattle. No fire for 24 hours either.
No kidding, its a slow start but I built the kindling up before I left for the day and made it super easy to get it going.