We had 19 this morning so the first two loads were some dead elm, the basement is 80 with the temp up here at 72.
I let the stove go cold again today, it got to 50*... I just fired her up with a couple small poplar and maple splits. The hearth is packed with a full load of cherry for tonight. It wont be long and the red and white oak will be the flavors for the day, but its not cold enough yet for the good stuff. PS - I click the "stay logged in" and if I leave the page I have to log back in everytime as well.
40º now outside, dropping to 34º they say, Uglies of maple and gum going in Grandma tonight! 82º in the house, a bit to warm...
37 out, 74 upstairs.....one of these days I should put a thermometer in the stove room. Just loaded with sugar maple for the overnight.
-28f is chilly. We get that here from time to time but for you Im sure its a regular day. My weather is producing a wimpy 28f right now. Its above normal for sure. I cant say I like it as it puts more ice in the driveway etc. Im getting ready to load the stove with fir for the night.
Not sure one gets used to it. Learning the ins and outs, and experiencing, makes no big deal. The kids bundled up and was riding the sleds while I cut wood. Just another day on the life.
I remember a person complaining to the school that they made the elementary kids wait and play outside in -20c before school started. This played out on facebook for all to read. I think they were from a warmer climate and probably got used to the cold once they had lived here for awhile (and learned how to dress the kids). Your cold is another level though. I have climbed and fished in -30,-35c weather but thats been a rarity. Its funny how in the fall -2c feels cold but in the spring time the same temp feels balmy.