24 now going down to 15ish tonight day 14 without power looks like 20 or so before it's back but house is 78
Supposed to hit single digits again tonight, but feels so much warmer without the wind. Last night's 1/2 fill of three year old hardwood (beech, black birch, something unidentified and heavy) kept the house at 65 (7 outside and blowing 20mph steadily) until about 830 - went out to reload and found the temp only down to 155 with plenty of coals to get her rolling again. Even though it will mean keeping 40 cord css, I can't wait to get the three year plan running. What I'm burning now has sat for three years as it was sort of inconveniently located, so once the snow got heavy it was too much work to bother with.. What a treat now that I'm putting it to use. I've got a load of sugar maple logs staring me in the face that will make up most of my burning next year - I was going to leave them till spring, but now I think I'll try to get them done up before they get buried so I can start the clock asap.
I'm a lightweight compared to that even. I asked mrs and the longest outage in 13 + years was about 2 days. I can't even imagine 14 + days like Canadian border VT We had a recent 5 hour outage due to a beaver chewing/felling power poles though, no joke.
Yikes! Any idea when power will be back at your house? Are you making out OK with a generator? Got enough things running to have an acceptable life (hot water, refrigerator / freezers working, some ability to cook)? Really hoping you are doing OK; I know you have heat covered but also hope you have some minimum amenities to take the pain out of day- to- day life. Of course you are on a computer ('cause that is where they keep the Internet now, according to Homer) so I assume you do have some electricity (generator)? Then again, living where you do, perhaps you are better prepared for things like this, long stretches w/out power than we would be? I just got my 'range whip' and 'locking plug' to make a whip for my own generator to plug into the welder power supply and back- feed the house through that. Also got a set of new small wire- size drills with the intention of drilling out that danmed main jet on the B&S Vanguard on my generator so it will run right w/out having to use the choke 1/2 way on. But we are back on grid power so the whole generator thing is kind of back- burner right now. Again, my best thoughts and wishes your way for an easy path through this power black- out. Brian
23 degrees now, supposed to get up into the 40's later. Came downstairs to a "cold" 67 degrees, but a big pile of locust coals. Almost up to 70 now, and about time for a red maple load.
Yep. Amateur hour here too Longest we were ever out was 4 days. Had a freak early October snowstorm and the trees still had leaves. Branches down everywhere. 25° this morning. I think I threw a little maple in with the cherry this time.
19 here this morning headed for 36. Burned some boxelder/elm mix overnight. Just loaded some more boxelder/cottonwood to hold the house at 72 for the day. Gonna go over to the parents and split some more wood for 2020/21 or 2021/22 I can't remember. Got through 3/4 cord of white oak and 1/4 cord of red elm yesterday. Today will be the same stuff and also restack a pile of elm, cherry, ash mix that tipped over this summer.
I remember that when i lived in pa! Frankensnow i think it was called. 3 days w/o power, tons of trees and branches down which led to buying a woodstove. Will never be cold again!
freezers fridge check hot water (buderus) and well check propane stove and dryer check FHC limited 12 yo no hair dryer straightener etc etc ...that's pure mean come hell or high water Friday as mother in law is coming or 24 or so days