After two days of melting/settling, it was still measuring 8"-9". I figure a good foot. Power loss was spotty, the power at this house remained on, a few miles away, they were without power for almost a day. We were out of state for the weekend (good move) and came back to the leftovers this afternoon. We left during the storm on Friday evening-took an hour to drive out of it.
It was 46 this morning, we've receive just over 1.5 inches of rain since yesterday when it started in the late afternoon. The winds don't seem bad here but west of us about 700 people lost power.
It is 36 and clear this morning. I woke up at 5 chilly but held off the fire until about 630. No fire last night as it was still warm after trying some fun with the pumpkins in the oven. Burning Doug splits.
-8c/17f under clear skies at the moment. I have a good bed of coals from last nights fire so Ill throw some doug fir on the stove soon.
I love doug fir but I’ll be looking forward to some cherry and birch next month likely. Haven’t really busted a dent in my wood bin but next weekend that’s likely.
Had a fire last night but not enough in the stove to last all night. Still nice in the house when I got up early to go hunting. But happy to find wife had started a fire before I got back in. Temperature in high 30's with rain when I came up so the heat felt good.
My folks live in Nanaimo and said they had frost this morning. You were close eh? Doug fir is a mid grade btu around here and is second in availability to lodgepole pine. I leave larch (19 mbtus) for my overnight burns.
48 and we got a bunch of rain. I'm not sure of the total from start to finish but I know we received over 3". I'm burning some Pine and Ash at the moment.
Yeah looks like winter is only days away for us here. Weve had a bit of snow around here but looks like a good snow storm is going to hit us Wednesday. Forecast is showing lows of -17c/1f coming up. We will see.
Morning from Alaska, 29* with a mix of sleet and snow. Spruce has kept the house toasty. This is my adopted son Jake.
Yes we were dealing with some frozen dew, had been foggy all day then just completely shut down cold 31 at night. Tonight same deal. Yesterday morning was just errie fog...literally all day.
It's 55f right now but windy, I'm glad the rain stopped, should be a little nippy for the kids but I lit a small fire to take the chill out kids are happy laying by the stove doing homework
45 and falling. Wind kept up all day, just tailing off now - blew my flag off the front porch. I should have taken it in, but it's an all weather with light on it 24/7. Been through worse, but the mount gave up this morning. Thankfully Mrs Papi heard it let go and grabbed it right away. Will be bringing the snapped mount back to the local hardware and see if they honor the product's guarantee tomorrow afternoon. White pine and hemlock choochin along still. I'll add some hardwood uglies tonight with the pine reload - I've got an uncovered pile of them sitting next to the stove and want em gone before snow starts and locks them up until April.