My dashboard temperature was 96ºF today at about 3:30 PM. Who needs to burn when the weather is like that?
Our weather has been nothing to write home about this summer. Not really hot, and not really cold either. It seems crops are slightly behind, fruit trees and berries are having a rough go too. Our highest temp this year (I think) was 32 C and feels like 36 C with humidex. That's about 90 F feels like 98 F.
It looks like the middle of this country is baking in the heat right now. We are too but thankfully at least 10 degrees or more cooler than most.
Oh for sure that's hot, I was just remarking that was our absolute hottest temp we've hit this year. Mostly a bunch of 68-78 F type weather.
93 Degrees and 64% humidity. Not burning a dang thing. Contemplating sticking my head in the freezer. Still going to get out and mow the pasture though, as it needs it and I have to fly out tomorrow for work. It's all good, I read somewhere that pain is weakness leaving the body!
That's what those cross fit crazies say. But yea I still get out in it. We have to down here in the south. I guess you could work 6am to 10 am and then like 9pm to 1am or something to be in the cool or mow all night long to be in the 70s.
Wouldn't that be a surefire way to get on the neighbors' sh** list! Although, I do have an awesome guy on one side of me that has a raggedy old jeep that somehow gets stuck out on the trails behind us every weekend in the middle of the night when he gets to drinkin'! Don't think he'd mind, but the neighbor on the property to the other side wouldn't take late night mowing too kindly. I can bow hunt on his property, and can scrounge for wood back there too- I'd prefer to stay in his good graces. I hear what you're saying though about behavior modification around the weather. I wash my vehicles and do the "heavy lifting" chores before the sun gets too high overhead.
I wouldn't really do it at my house I live at but the farm is far enough away. When I go work there on weekends I often don't get off the tractor till 9 or sometimes 10pm
Farmers work that late and even later many times and folks don't seem to mind. Sometimes you have to do it to get crops in or crops out.
Yea I know. In farm country it's not a big deal. If you farm you do what you have to esp if lots of rain coming and you have to get crop out or in. I'd be on the tractor all night long if need be. I learned when my son was born the sleep we say you need is optional in the short term. Now I was exhausted but in 16 months I only slept 8 hours in a row a few times. Many nights got 3 or 4 hours broken up. And probably slept like 8 hours that first week. He was a light sleeper and a napper, didn't sleep at night really.
I well remember those nights when we worked in the fields late. It was not bad...until it was time to get up and milk the cows in the mornings. I actually never minded the milking except for when we had those short nights and Sunday mornings for sure. Well, then there were the times the milking started right after a big rain and the cows were wet and muddy and it was downright awful because it was usually hot and humid at the time too. Nasty job then but there were no breaks. It had to be done. Also, back then we milked in stanchions rather than milking parlors.
Yep that's hard stuff. I grew up hearing my grandmother tall about picking cotton out in the fields for quarters. All the women did it she said. They laid the "chaps" under a shade tree. This was before this area had fire ants. Often they would put an older in charge she said, if they didn't keep them on their backs. Do that now a days they law would be called! This would of been in the 50s. Yes poor whites picked cotton too back then.
27F when I finished work this morning. Had to clear the ice of the ute before driving home. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
58 here this Am going up to low 80's today they say. It had been hot some last week and humid. Tough to take, we had Mon and Tues cool and cloudy with some rain in the low 60's loved that cool break. The days are starting to get noticeably shorter. Yea!