Nice day, partly cloudy, Breezy hit 60, been gone all day, 66 inside, I guess I will light up some Ash and maple for overnight low of 35. They are saying low of 30 tomorrow night, but sunny and 54 tomorrow day
Alright.... all this talk about having fires is inspiring me to go build a top down fire followed by a load of doug fir. I had a real nice doug fir fire last night while listening to some grateful dead and sipping on a glass of red wine, very mellow. Tonight it will be while enjoying a 007 movie with my son!
Had a fire here all day yesterday, never made it out of the 40s. Elm, locust & CHERRY thewoodlands last night. Sunny & 56 coming today so I'm burning down coals, no reload.
Were sitting at 5c in the rain with low lying cloud. Im watching the news and all of southern BC is in the sun but not the Rockies! Ill be out of the house for the day so no fire. Besides... the house is still 23c from last nights fire.
A wet and cold 38 degrees out. Large Maple round and two splits of Ash in the boiler. I'm going to have to bring more wood in.
Calling frost here with some snow Rock. And now I'm thinking of getting the 70 sap buckets back out! OK maybe not.
It's 41 with some rain so I built a small fire and then tonight we'll have an overnight fire. Loon , I see Ottawa and Montreal are dealing with a chit load of flooding, is there any in your area?
I see snow in the Adirondacks and western NYS on the news! Its currently raining (again mind you) with some thunder. We'll only see 39° overnight and below freezing temps tomorrow night. Stay warm hoarders!
thewoodlands , I've been down to the St.Lawrence River several times in the last week, including today. It keeps rising and is the highest I have ever seen it.
House is fine But Lake Ontario is overflowing and just got a phone call to take the truck in the AM to get into the plant as the main road is closed and is under quite a bit of water?
May your high water be sewage free. Got some kindling and pine ready for in the morning should it be required. Whether it drops below 40ºF remains to be seen.