45 degrees, and the absolute last piece of wood, some unidentified soft branch is cut up and in the stove with the doors open for a little ambiance.
29 here, real feel of 14, with some pretty snow falling that won't stick to much but the grass and tree limbs.. maple and poplar in the boiler as I'm officially out of dry pine for the year. Keeping the house warmer for pregnant mama and then the new drool machine has spent more wood than I planned!
Sitting on 3-6" of heavy wet white stuff from today and now a crystal clear sky and around 30. Just started some ash and cherry in the lopi running 67 inside for now.... Heading to the upper 60's and some good weather starting Sunday! Downside is the last few fires for the year
Good morning all, 35 out 53 in. Lit the stove with some sticks, Pine and small hard Maple splits. I'll warm the house and let the fire die as we will have sun and mid 50's today. The time is approaching of the ceremonial "Ta Da", last burn of the season! It's been 6 months of fires and I'm ready to be done. Time for c/s/s. :stacke:
37° this morning. It's going up to 53° so I'm still running on oil. We dodged any snow last night. Sorry to you guys more upstate. We will hit 79° on Tuesday. Crazy!
28º out at 7 a.m., 72º in....burning down a pile of ash and sugar maple from last night. May have an overnight fire tonight but that looks like the last one for awhile.....next 5 or 6 days are supposed to warm considerably.
currently 34 with a 20 mph wind... burning ash and soft maple.. had to take out back for FEL loader of wood to wood deck.. what a muddy mess.. drive way is slop.. no fabric under gravel 2 sections 150 feet long that feel like your driving on a water bed.. come on sun and warmth...
42 outside. Wife started the stove with a load of swamp maple an hour ago. 76 in here. Comes up fast this time of year.
39 here, big pine round in the boiler, surrounded by some boxelder, poplar, and two splits of oak that fell on my foot and deserve to burn. They could have been safe till next year, but nope.
Current temp 33° going down to 25° tonight. We had 2"of snow overnight, and it snowed all day, but didn't amount to any additional amount. Loaded the oakleaf with ash and birch for the night.