Current temp - 9° with a wind chill of - 17° headed up to 6° today. Threw 4 large splits of ash in the WS that'll throw good heat for awhile.
14, only supposed to see 26 today. White Oak & a piece or 2 of black locust going in the Buck, 70 inside now.
Loaded up the OWB last night about 7:30pm with Black Birch, Red Oak, and Maple. The temp. this morning is -2* with a wind chill of -10* It is a comfortable 70* in the house. Will be loading up the boiler with the same later this evening.
currently minus 2 .?... will get to 8 .. winds coming across lake NW.. at about 25 mph.. we are burning and a little Dino juice as its not quite 70 in here yet..
Burning pine and fir this morning after a very windy chilly day yesterday. Its warmin up around here. -10c/14f with 4-8 inches of snow expected today before we start the first long warm spell since November. Should get very melty around here in a few days which isnt a bad thing, knocking down a bit of snow would be nice. I was watching the news this morning and they are saying that the jet stream is rising in the west and dipping in the east which is very typical. Just by the members reports here we are seeing temperatures drop to the East of us. Enjoy winter you guys and gals!
It's warmed up to 1. Still have wind here off and on. Maple and Ash in the boiler. Time to bring some more firewood in and do some rotating of the stock.
Sitting at -17 c plus some wind. The melty weather should be here within 3 days. Not like heat wave, but slightly above freezing during the day. The sun is getting stronger and you can notice it even on cool days.
Real feel -14 - pine in the boiler getting her back up to temp (wife had to load a couple splits in today to keep her cooking - seems I under filled this morning... want counting on the wind!) Then I think I may break into some two year css black birch and beech for the overnight.. Wanna sleep in tomorrow and it's supposed to get cold!
I own Jeremiah Johnson and know the lines by heart. " Hey pilgrim can you skin a Grizz ?" "Just as fast as you can get em" "Skin that one and I'll get you another" You have to see the scene to appreciate it for those of you who don't know. " Your looking pretty fine for a starving pilgrim"
Current temp - 2°F headed down to - 9°F with a wind chill warning as much as -40°F Pellet stove running and just tossed in 3 huge splits of ash for the overnight. Talk of a strong Noreaster starting early Tuesday morning lasting well into the night. Our old house in Pa may see 24". Seems eastern Pa would get at least one significant storm per year.