Current temp 0° headed up to 9° today. Oakleaf cooking, pellet stove cooking. Wind Chill watch for today and tonight. Might see - 29° overnight!
17 out right now stove loaded with Red Oak and steady at 600. Lower level 70 main floor 68. With a high of 23-29 by noon. Wind chill in the teens all day.
It was 8 when we had coffee but it has dropped to 2 degrees with some wind. Tonight AccuWeather is calling for -15, I'm not sure what the windchill will be but we'll burn both wood & pellet stoves tonight.
it was minus something when I loaded stove this morning 4ish. . it's up to 3 now.. wind is howling... IAT is 76 now I got the IS loaded... I feel like guy on star trek.. I giving her all I got captn... STT is still 650 and it feels cool in here so
Holy crap it's chilly out. 0 degrees in the middle of the afternoon here. A fairly good breeze as well. The real feel has to be -10 at least. Maple and Ash in the boiler.
I'm a few days off but in the 60's here Wednesday morning started dropping and the wind kicked up blowing 40 mph with gusts over 60mph had an official one clocked at 63! I believe it because I was out in it the whole time! By Thursday morning we were around 20 with snow and a stiff breeze which eventually died down. Friday never broke 15 and either sun was out or it was a blizzard with winds to 30 up and down all day! Today the suns bright with a little breeze started at 9 and havent got past 15! So what else is there to do? Reload some ammo and burn ash maple and cherry!! At 71 inside !
Getting down to 11F here tonight. Stove is getting oak at fill up. Just got off the phone with my brother. He's hauling a locomotive engine out to Morrill, NE. He said it's 71° out in Kearney. I didn't believe him till I checked my phone.
Had -5 at 4:00 this morning, don't know if it got any colder after that but it did get windy after that!
The wind is what really drives the wood consumption for us with this old perforated railroad builder's home we have. Thankful as can be for the marginal insulation the previous owners installed. Without it and the relatively tight vinyl siding and windows, I'd hate to imagine how many more cord we'd be burning!
currently 3 Goin down to minus 5... winds at least 30 mph.. it's chilly STT 675... house is warming...
Current temp 0° headed down to - 10° with a WC as low as - 29° possible. Oakleaf loaded earlier with ash maple and birch. 72° inside!
Currently 56°F in St. Louis. I have the sliding door open with a nice cool breeze blowing in for some fresh air. Burning some silver maple for a little warmth in the fireplace, and smoking a pork butt on the back deck with some hickory. Very relaxing right now.
23 out heading for 15....75 inside.....stuffed the box full of hickory and locust at 11. Had a good elm and cherry fire going this eveniing. Forecast says 44 tomorrow, hope to cut a bit in the afternoon.
Nothing burning in my house for two days now since Ive been away. Saw the Harlem globe trotters last night for the first time with my niece and son. What a hoot that was. Ill be returning to the bush tomorrow night and ready to fire up again!