Current temp 5°F going up to 26°F with snow. We received another 3" overnight. Loaded the WS with the usual, house is warm. Big storm starting tomorrow.
Yeah, today "they've" dropped the 12 to 24"+" part from last night, and raised the upper limit to 26"
Morning ya'll, it's 10* here and we picked up 2" of snow over night. Added some hard Maple to the excited (via bellows) coals and the 58 inside temp is on its way upward.
About 8 on the back porch this morning. I just loaded the boiler up with Ash, Pine, and what looked like a split of Oak. We received about 2" of snow last night I guess.
32 at 7a.m., 71 inside. Heading for about 50 today rain moving in late then back to snow by Sunday night. Getting ready to put a few smallish splits in for a cruise along today.
27 this morning up to 36 now. Added 2" of snow last night. House at 75 stove steady at 400 with 3 large Oak splits.
Temps around freezing this morning and headed to close to 40F. Forecast for the coming week has highs in the upper 30's to lower 40's. We may get rid of most of the few inches we have left on the ground. Roads are in great condition. Burning a mixture of elm and cherry with a few pieces of oak thrown in.
Weve snapped out of the cold and into mild air! Its -2c under clear skies. The stove is loaded with lodgepole pine. I think I might overheat the house and open the windows to get some fresh air in here. What a beautiful Saturday!
up to 20 OAT 4 more inches predicting foot or 2.. now if they said 3 to 4 I would get excited foot and a half is 25 minutes on blower and get a cup of coffee!
Good morning friends in all things wood. 17 * here and doing blizzard preps. The winds from this nor'easter are expected to be 45 mph in southern NH. Battening down the hatches, I will have to suspend burning when the wind really gets going as I get problems with down drafts during nor' easters that puff smoke back into the living room. So we will warm up the house as much as possible before the big wind. Burning hard Maple now. I do enjoy a good blizzard!
Current temp on this calm morning 4°F headed up to 26°F today with a Noreaster on the horizon. Loaded the oakleaf with maple birch and ash, and is cruising along nicely.
This will be your first big New England storm won't it Brian? If so, I hope it lives up to the hype. Enjoying the north woods in the winter yet?
10 this morning. Just filled boiler up with White and Red Pine. We will be home all day to tend it so might as well burn it up.
First big one yes, but this last one, although not incredibly big snows, craziest winds I've seen. Ice chunks being blown from different places into the windows, breaking flood lights, incredible. The wind direction was different, blowing through the valley and right up from there up to the house. All these mini snows, anywhere from 2- 4" per night add up quick. I plowed 3x this week. Love it! I'll take it up a notch, just boxers, sitting right on the snow bank.
After our evening out and the undecorating was complete at the hall, we were greeted to rain/drizzle outside for the ride home. It had just started and the temps were just barely above freezing (what?) so the drive home was safe. Ended up with 1 inch of new snow since then.