50 outside tonight. I lit the fire for the first time in over 3 months. Just a small/quick fire to take the chill off. Pine, broken pallet boards and splitter scraps. This is the first time that I have been able to light one of the fires since I joined FHC. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually I'm about 85 miles west of Melbourne and 1330 feet higher. Winter here is even wetter and a little colder. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh oh! Just checked out the forecast and we are up to 14" expected tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow night. Where the heck did that come from? Wed is cold with highs in the single digits only. And wind to 25 mph....just to make it interesting.
Transition to the rest of our walnut begins tonight. Wife had the house at 76F when I got home from work. At 73F still now and will probably have to do a walnut fire for the overnight. Don't know how much heat we'll need for the next two days with daytime highs forecast of 65F tomorrow and 55F Wednesday... in February. Local forecast team calling for a 2-5 inch snowfall Wednesday night into Thursday. I guess that's the southern and eastern bit of what yooper is 'sposed to get.
60 cm of snow today on top of the 2o cm from yesterday. -20c right now. Highway is closed west due to blowing snow and avalanches and closed into Alberta due to extreme weather, also schools are closed. I cant remember the last time the schools closed around here,,,, considering we are a snow town with snow on the ground for 4-6 months a year. Safety is the key I guess. Semis line the highway and the fire hall is open as a warming center for stranded travelers. Ill share some snow picks when I get some time.
Oh yeah, we are nice and warm in our house thanks to firewood! 2.5 hours of snow blowing and shoveling has made the Sean family tuckered today. Finally removed snow off the tin shed so it wouldn't collapse.
Can't sleep, and looking at -22 C (-8 F). Poplar and pine in the stove. Sean, all that snow just sounds gross!
37 out no fire in the stove 62 in the house. I was home all day yesterday and had the stove going warmed the house up. Let the fire go out late last night and still 62 this morning.
Current temp 16° headed up to 23°. We've received 7" of snow over the last 36hrs with another 4"- 7" expected through tonight. Stove loaded with the usual, warm-up to above freezing tomorrow, then temps drop off again.
60 here with rain/thunderstorms guessed at with mid 30's tonight. Gonna' rake some coals around inside the burner and hold off feeding the greedy beast 'til this evening.
63 today, 39 tonight, 13 by Thursday night and back to 54 by Sunday.....4 inches of snow in there somewhere and also rain. Crazy weather, went out to cut some wood as we had dried up for several days, nope, started sliding down the hill sideways and more than a little nervous that I was going to roll it. Made it out of there and went home.
Yup the genius weather guy predicted 1 inch got 6 warmING today rain tomorrow.. to blow snow or not that is the question... for the snow acts like a sponge and keeps rain from making ice rink in coming cold snap... that is the question
The wind is off and on here now. Seems to be picking up. Some schools are closing early or cancelling afternoon activities do to what they think will be nasty road conditions later today. We are not projected to get a lot, but a mix of snow and ice.
Very windy with a high of 65 today. The low was about 60 last night w/heavy thunderstorms. I can't remember the last time that happened at night in February around here. Guess I'll use the downtime to clean the stove out/vacuum the cat. (Oh, and the catalytic combuster too)
33* waiting on the ice, rain, snow and sleet. I crammed enough maple and beech in the boiler to last the day.
Still chilly -25 C feels like -34 C, or -13 F feels like -29 F. According to the weather guesswork it's going to warm up in about 4 days. Poplar and pine in the reactor.