5 to 8 inches of snow coming, low temps 6 to 8, 25 right now, burning chunks of Shagbark Hickory right now
North winds 5-10 23F heading down into the upper teens(cold for here) reloaded with some yellow pine after a night out for dinner, now stuffed with 3+yr red oak, cruzing on secondaries and a stiff highball
yeah it still gets "cold" here realized after filling the propain tank last week how much the furnace cycles to maintain 70F - been such a long time I've had two inversion/backdrafts that I'd never experienced before just heating with wood on light off. I'm chalking it up to cold wood stove and a much tighter envelope on the house since residing in 08-09 and never burning the furnace until now. The stove mildly warm no issues, let it go cold for 2-3days in mild weather I've nearly filled the house with smoke - crazy
I'm noticing a trend from you folks across the pond - smaller older styled "parlor stoves" hard to probably gauge the KW/mmbtu output of our stoves given the fuel sources and climate, just found it interesting. in MURICA we like 'em big or go home
Its 12f with the wind out they say. Red Maple working great in the box. Never could get the hang of those Doobie things guys.
Real feel has been below zero for a few hours now, (-8), thanks to the wind-12 mph. Basement is holding OK @ 65 so I won't mess with the kicker stove until tomorrow morning. Next mid week for three days will be highs of below zero.
I thought the same thing when you first had posted what it was. I'm surprised you still have it.....are you thinking of upgrading to a larger one?? Maybe?
It does pretty much what I had hoped for. With the water lines in this old mobile home, you can never get away from the furnace totally when it's real cold. If it was a 1.5 cubic foot design it would probably be perfect. It's not that it lacks the heat, as it keeps us comfy until around -30 C, but the burn time.
I would say right now there is easily a foot. Only thing is, the ground is not frozen and this causes the snow to melt and settle even faster...which is alright by me. I keep the deck shoveled and it has a foot since my last shoveling (one day ago). Normally, I shovel it evey day, but my back is sore from work this week (wah, wah wah...) and I am trying to let it heal/recover so I can get more than 4 hours of sleep so I didn't shovel it this afternoon. Point I'm trying to make is that the deck would have a lot more snow on it if I hadn't kept it clean!
Yeah, I hear you on the burn time and the consideration for space is important. You know, after awhile, you get used to waking up to fire up, right? You just don't enjoy getting up!
I hear you, I have racks on the back deck, I like to be able to go get wood in my slippers so I gotta keep it shoveled off