High 45 today, 35 now burning some Cottonwood and Box Elder. Forecast is for the coldest night here so far this year 25, I will load some ash a little Hickory later
It's 39 outside now. It will surely get down to freezing, if not at least a hard frost tonight. Basswood in the quadrafire. I'll probably throw a chunk or 3 of beech uglies to hold a fire overnight.
been burning straight for 2 weeks now minus Monday. and Tuesday got to almost 60 then since then rainy wet cold windy rain snow today got the IS loaded with soft maple and pine good for 12 hours of low and slow
Yeah, I could have started burning earlier myself. But I was busy so the house stayed cool and we were dressed warm.
Same here over in my neck of the woods. +5 C (40) heading down to +2 C (32?). Gonna run out of shed floor scrap soon.
35 here this morning. Burning uglies, a mix of poplar, some dogwood, small hickory splits. 74 in the stove room now and it feels wonderful
Currently 32°F going down to 28° overnight! If all goes well...... I should be burning by tomorrow evening. Check out my "good deal" thread....... Good deal! | Page 5 | Firewood Hoarders Club
It got down to 40 last night. I had basswood going all night, with a beech ugly to hold coals overnight. I reloaded this morning. 68 in the house ( away from the stove), and most importantly, no furnace kicking in. I kinda like basswood for shoulder wood. Not too much ash, and it lights nicely. That's good, because I have a whole tree of basswood that uprooted that I need to cut, haul, split and stack for next year . That tree is at least a cord and a half.
Finally got to fire up my new PE Super 27 Home Entertainment Center last night. I built a fairly gentle fire to get the paint cured and to go easy on the stove. The stove top temperature was 325° and I had a pretty good bed of coals. I put in a couple of pieces of red oak , got it charred pretty good and shut the air down. 10 hours later the stove top temperature is at 150° and there is still enough glowing coals to easily get the fire going. I think this is the latest I can remember that I built my first fire of the season. It's particularly hard on you when you have a new stove.☺