Burning three year old pine tonight. Took the chill out. Going down to 39° tonight. We will be in the twenties overnight for a few days coming.
Mid 20s at nite. Low 40s daytime. Burned scrub wood short rounds from bucking mostly oak ash birch poplar .
Suppose to get our first frost tonight low 30's tonight, got some ash and maple in the stove the house is nice and toasty kids are in shorts , wife is happy
About 40 out right now, going down to 30 tonight. Just about to light up some mystery wood. Found three logs in a friends grandfathers basement last year, been there for at least 20 years. I took them because he used to own a marine salvage company and had tons of cool stuff he found underwater, usually pretty rare stuff. I thought maybe they were some sort of rare wood and was gonna make something from them one day. Well, a year later I got so sick of tripping over them in the garage I took the 346 to them. Bone dry and kind of punky in spots. Still No idea what kind of wood?
+7 C right now dropping to +4 C overnight! Or 46? dropping to 39 roughly. And rain. Burning kindling is all I need to keep the shack warm at the moment.
Whatever it is it is driest wood I've ever burned. This is 1:30 seconds after lightning with one firestarter. And not that anyone could tell what it is but here's the wood. Generic white wood, no bark. Not very dense.
Going down to 2c (35) tonight with a bit of rain with possible flurries. Furnace is rolling along with a White Birch split to take the chill out and a Rock Maple split to last a bit.
I'm looking forward to it. Might lower whatever is causing this extended allergy season. The sinuses have not been happy.
So am i. I'm looking forward to splitting some wood as I did today. This is my kind of weather. I hate bugs
Current 38°F with snow, going down too 28°F. It isn't sticking during the day too much, but it's been snowing daily for 3 days. Been waking up to anywhere from a dusting to 2". Another inch expected again tonight. It's weird, except for once, the radar hasn't shown any precipitation at all. On another note, I have a file created for the PE Alderlea T5. I should be getting a quote soon and then this will hopefully be installed within 6 weeks. I'm going with the black enamel. In the meantime, I'll be buying wood ....... likely kiln dried from a co worker hopefully.
Hope the purchasing works out good. Its ok, sometimes it makes sense to buy wood. Im looking forward to hearing how you like the stove. Whats the firebox size on that puppy?
The firebox size is 2.2 For this year, the woodstove is really a backup heater, since there is a pellet stove and oil forced air, but...... if we lose power, even though we have a genny..... another source of heat will be a wise choice.
Hate the bugs too! Dumped a black walnut Sunday that had a stink bug colony living in the abandon ant tunnel in the stump boy were they angry! I need to start taking more pictures of my cord collecting activities I always get to excited to go to work and forget until the dust settles.... 35 here this am barely making 45 I guess today small knot burner last night should hold us over till tonight