Highs no longer in the 90's - just frigid . No inside burning but occasional outside burning - so we can sit in AC and look at the fire outside.
cant like your post brother . I like summer weather in summer and fall and winter weather when its due. Im mild as well but 4c/39f with wind and rain. Im burning a bit of lodgepole pine tonight.
im more of a colder weather person. Really don't like hot humid summers. Hot in October is really not fun for me. Wait till the middle of winter and I'll be complaining it's too cold.
Midnight temp now is 55, very warm for late October in NH. Two windows open, oh well, saving wood. Split 3/4 of a cord today with the wife stacking it.
Forecast of 46 for last night, but OAT was 37 when I got up. Shoulda' had a fire last night. Accuweather is telling me it's 47 OAT right now with fog, yet my gauge says 39, and it's a nice clear morning with sun shining on the changing leaves. Hmmm.
Accuweather update: 48, with clouds and sun with a warning that dense fog will affect the area this am. Nope. Wrong again. Beautiful sunny, non-foggy morning, and not a cloud to be seen. It's so clear, I can see the moon. Maybe I should call 'em? You know, give 'em a clue.........sumthin'.
It's supposed to get down to 37 F the next couple nights and a high of 39 F on Saturday all while under a weather watch for a wack of rain until Sunday. I just loaded up my wood rack and am ready with match in hand.......
Only down to about 55 right now and only headed to 42 but wife and daughters were complaining as the main floor was only 66. So unfortunately I have a nice warm fire going. Shucks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk