85-90 everyday this last week. Too dog hot for May. Cooled down overnite No rain . It's the detest I've ever seen it in May. First pit fire of the season last nite with a bunch of crapwood that needed cleaned up.
Campfire last three nights, only. With some nice wet willow...moisture sizzling out the ends of the pieces! The overnights dropped to 50's with rain and there was enough heat in the cottage to not have to light a fire in the 13.
We did too First rain in a month Never seen it this dry , this time of year. Wasn't much but it helped. Hopefully more soon. Got the house roof plumbed to fill the pool. With this heat ,,, the kids are itchin to swim .
Summer months I divert gutter water to a tank and use it to water garden and flowers instead of cold well water. Right now the hose is in the pool with the tank valve on so if it rains all the roof water fills the pool. Usually takes a few good storms to get it filled.
Busy weekend at the cottage. Wet and cold enough for a fire; the 13 was 99's best friend once again! Did not make a fire Friday evening when we got there even though I probably could have and she said she had the best sleep in a long time...(heh heh heh, make the connection yet dear?) Saturday started with a fire and also on Sunday morning. Just enough to be able to leave the patio door open to the screen porch all day. All weekend was cold and wet. The warmest it got was in the low 60's which is good enough but not when it's wet!
Down to 97...glad I got a rack filled with shoulder wood last weekend....drop another 60 degrees and I'll ready!
With the cooler temps and the rain, the house is cooling off so we'll either run the furnace or build a fire later this afternoon. We still have some wood inside so I'm thinking we'll choose a fire and save the oil.
45* and raining/damp here now. Was 59* inside. Had to burn some oil for about an hour just now to bring the temp up to a more comfy 68*. Yes. Just checked the calendar. Today is June 12!!
Ran the air y-day at 90º outside and until about an hour ago. Now the windows are open, 67º outside and supposed to be high 40's by morning.
I was watching tv with the family tonight and we switched to the forecast for a minute and it said lows of 2c and highs of 12c for the next few days. I got excited and said "great! dad gets to fire up the stove!" they just looked at me..... Also means I can get out and drop some trees before it gets hot again..... fishing is going to have to wait
Nope, not even close on that guess! We left the shortly after she woke up; then returned early afternoon to finish the chores there. She cut the lawn, I filled in ruts from the concrete truck!