Nice! Im an avid angler but Ive never fished for Walleye. They arent in my area but I could drive a bit east I guess. I hear they are great eats! Hope you had some luck.
They changed the forecast there's going to be fire tonight, but looks like there won't be any for a good while after that
Have you been dry? If so that rain must be nice. Weve been so dry this spring that the rain weve had over the last 5 days has been great for the plants. Its 48 here and the sun is trying to peek out. House is nice and warm from last nights fire.
We've had quite a bit of rain this spring. I haven't seen it so green around here for years. It's really nice to see the rivers and steams running high again.
Wooo, dark here, had to turn the lights on. First rain, some hail, and now snow My weather ticker is not accurate today lol.
I keep seeing little white stuff in the window with my peripheral vision and think bummer, more snow. Nope!! Its gnats and moths! Better than snow since we have not had a spring and its almost June.
Its 49f here so I lit the stove a few hours ago. We have a frost warning out. I guess I should drain the (outside) hose lol. I cant say I mind burning this time of year. Im a creature of habit and enjoy the things I enjoy. I feel like Im attending a funeral every year when its time to throw in the towel.
Yeah. Its ok though. The Rockies get so hot (for me anyways) that I struggle a bit. I really enjoy the nice things that summer brings though like gardening, swimming in lakes that I ice fish in, hiking alpine trails, etc etc. Its nice living where we get distinctive seasons.