It was 34 this morning, no fire today but it looks like we'll be having a fire at night for the next few days.
Another night of dropping to 34 so we'll burn some Cherry firewood tonight. Yesterday after stacking some Cherry I came inside, while I was sitting in the recliner the Red Tail Hawk was on something just inside the woods, by the time I grabbed the camera which was in the garage it had taken off.
Currently 47 supposed to get to 32 frost warnings.. Filled her with whatever was left. it's may 16th brought a load of fresh split to pile and stacked it picked a bucket load of dry and brought it back... April and May have been wet and cold here.. living room is 80 so time for a few
That's putting it very mildly. Snowing pretty good out now, 5"-9" by morning at my elevation, much more higher up. Dry aspen and pine rounds in the stove, keeping her toasty.
Yeah that really sucks, nothing like that here, had a little sleet night before last. Time to mow the grass here now
I think he is just south of me. They did not really predict this on the news so it is a bit of a surprise.
Thankfully most of mine has been melting, WWW did however bring in the hanging flower baskets. Good luck mag craft and Beetle-Kill
I'm almost dead-nuts south of WW, off of I-70. Accuweather, 80436. It's correct, mostly, least the dates are right.
Blech! Snow is starting to stick Dear Husband is getting up before 4 am to drive several hours north. We shall see....