Crazy. 27 in Possum Hollow. Ash in the princess and easy heats downstairs with the Hastings on low. What I'm thinking doesn't belong on a family friendly forum....
25 now, burning down some coals , hi was 35 today, going to load up with Hickory and ash, they say Low 21 Winter weather advisory for Sunday, New snow and sleet accumulation of around 3 inches., This is April 10th for crying out loud where are the April showers and flowers
15° on the back porch this morning. A mix of Pine, Ash, and Elm in the boiler. I have to bring more wood in this morning.
Woo hoo! The snow that we were supposed to get overnight is not here! No snow=no shoveling! So relieved, I didn't even look at the temp!
20º outside, had put a very big round of locust in last night at midnight and it only partially burnt as you have to have a ton of coals under that stuff which I thought I had. Stirred some coals and rolled that puppy on top, kicked up the air and it looked like the 4th of July fireworks going off. I was afraid to leave the cat bypass open very long as it may spew sparks on the roof. Cat probe is back up to 1000º and she's a heating a might nice.
Low 20s here this morning, oak and coffee warmed things up. Slept in too, first time in about a year.
16 at 6am Got up and loaded my stove. Went next door to load old mans OWB. Came back and there was a hint of smoke in the house. Checked the connections of pipe behind the furnace and sure enough an occasional little puff. Climb on roof and drop my double brushed anchor chain and done. Got more than I ever have and was really surprised I didn't get the "connection puff warning" earlier . Came back in the house and no one was up yet so I crawled back in bed with the lil woman gave her a couple cheap feels and fell back asleep. JUST FREAKIN' WOKE UP !!!!!!! Half the day is gone wtf ! Time for another reload Oak and coal it is.
Hoo man! Went outside to start the truck to leave and we were in the middle of a squall! Snowing to beat the band and windy with almost no visibility! Stayed like that for a couple hours-so much for no snow. At the moment, the sun is out and melting all the crap we got during the little mini blizzard.
Was supposed to get to mid 40's today......missed that one. 32º outside and to think I almost didn't put wood in the stove this morning because I thought the bright sun would cook us out, wrong again, been cloudy. Time to put some coffee on and throw a few splits in for evening.
36 out now , got 2-3" of snow , burnin ash and some oak , temps suppose rise during the night , High: 50 °F tomorrow
Seems to be holding around 30 now. Not supposed to get warmer than that today. Just more wind and more snow. Starting to feel like "snow" should be bleeped out or something! I see the extended forecast holds 50's and 60's in the immediate future though!
No reload this morning, just stirred around a big thick pile of red coals and the cat probe is still at 1000º. inside temp 76º and it has warmed up overnight to outside temp of 52º.
43 The woodroom received 1/2 face cord yesterday. Got enough out of the shed for my summer dog entrance project. Shes getting old and i'm getting old . Need a better way for her to exit/entry. Furnace is cold but might do a relight for the day before I leave.
39 out and sleeting, 61 in the house. Good enough, I don't feel like firing up the stove. I'm leaving anyway, besides, 39 is a heat wave.
Last week a member from Arkansas, I don't remember who, posted he is running his AC. Ha Ha Ha...........C'mon, give me 60 degrees please. I'm ready for spring.