I think I'll very carefully be able to cough or sneeze today, thanks. I looked at the mailbox, but there was no way I was picking up a hammer to try to reshape it so the door opens and closes. It's not a cheap one made of automotive tin, it actually weighs a few pounds. Ha, It's not the first time its been hit or knocked off instead of just bent over by the plow wave. I do know if I don't put it back within a couple days the post office will send me a little post card reminding me to put my mailbox back . Course, I don't get their little love note until after I put the mailbox back.
I think it slowed down snowing just after I posted that about the 3". It looks like it did snow some more throughout the night and I woke up almost 2 hours ago to the sounds of the snowplow scraping the road about 3-4 blocks away. I haven't looked at my depth-o-meter as it is dark out still and the less noise I make moving around the kitchen, the more quiet it will be once 99 lbs gets out of bed an hour from now! The depth-o-meter is a high tech measuring device that was installed quite some time ago. Most people call it a deck but I keep it shoveled daily and have found out that it is useful for other purposes also!
35 out and 74 in.....no wood going in the box this morning, supposed to reach almost 60 today outside. Either start back up tonight or tomorrow morning as we have cold and snow coming
Got this link on my FB feed. Definite edge to that storm. Spectacular shots taken by NASA Satellite of Great Lakes On Tuesday
This stuff is starting to tick me off. FEP's in the Hastings, chuglies, (mostly ash) in the princess since last night. I'm letting the princess burn down right now, and winding the Hastings down too. It's in the 60s outside, so I'm cleaning.
Well its after five the snow squall has just came in got an inch in last half an hour... I may have taken off the studded snows but blower is still on bota... 25 degrees out and white.. it's colder in April than it was in March!
31. The view from the back "wood" window in the basement. Suppose to get 1-3. I only had two in 12 ouncers, so that is all the snow we can get.
Snowed all day long. Just the heavy stuff that is wet as can be. As soon as you drive on it, it packs under the wheels and becomes as slippery as snot.
What are you trying to say? That 40 cords in one day isn't doable by a member of the FHC . I'm of the opinion that if we can't do it no one can.
I couldn't wait to look today to see if the pictures were up yet thewoodlands ....still waiting here.