It's 22 this morning so we have a Cherry fire going. Unless the winds are coming in later, we'll be missing the worst of it.
At 5:30AM it was nice and quiet, moderate rain. Then a big nasty blast of wind, the temp dropped 10 degrees and by 6:30 it was snowing. Flames embracing sun-seasoned timbers of maple on a searing bed of pine.
21 8-12" of white chit !!!!!! So windy overnite the high spots didn't accumulate much.Some spots are blown clean. Used to this stuff but after the last 6 weeks being pretty much snow free other than a dusting that lasted till noon ,,,,, THIS IS HORSE PUCKEY !!!!! Watching the radar overnite the lake effect band that was hitting us was at times picking up moisture off Superior,Huron and Erie and would extend almost to Scranton,PA Last nites fill up was around 2am . The mornings reload wil prolly be oak and coal.
Its been an open winter . I cant complain . I think our snow total is under 130". Its common to get 250-300. Its the fact that it was 60's many days of March and now its April ! WTeF ?
It's about 13 on the back porch this morning. I just put some large White Pine splits in the boiler to get things back up to temp.
Stove ran all day Sunday, loaded this morning with temps below freezing. Low 20s expected tonight, so will continue feeding the jotul with oak, maple, and hickory
22 deg. and snowing in NH, yesterday it was snowing as well. It's supposed to be down into the low teens tonight and tomorrow. We're burning some Oak and Hickory that was left up on the porch in the wood boxes, going to be bringing some Maple up for the next few days. I remember a few week back a member from down south posted he had his last fire of the year and wanted to know if the rest of us were done burning. Ha ha! Not yet!
It snowed so much there NH mountain man that you are a day ahead of the rest of us. Picture says 4/5/16
Warmed up overnight to 54 this morning but by 11 it was back down to 35. Just getting ready to load a few chunks beech and cherry. Calling for mid teens overnight, red oak, hickory and black locust on deck.
They say were heading to 9 overnight so we'll throw one bag of pellets in the pellet stove and put some Beech with Ironwood in the Liberty.
Heading down to around 20° tonight. All Oak on the menu for the night. Will reload the same in the morning. Stay warm!