That's all good, at least next year's is all split and stacked. Half is stacked at the house, the other half is split and stacked at my buddy's. 17-18 and beyond is still in the woods. There's time after I get back from vacation to get 17-18 wood in before memorial day. Some may laugh, but I use my FHC friends to motivate me. It's all good
I meant your winters last so long, any time we get snow it's usually from a storm the came from you guys but we only get half the snow!
Burned some ash last night it's 33 now burning some cherry, half inch of snow on the ground, winter weather advisory for today, winter storm watch for tomorrow, they say only 1 1/2" of snow here 6" up north , low tonight 20. Snow is coming down real good right now Monday Night Partly Cloudy Low: 12 °F
OK, WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!!????? GET OFF MY COAST, YOU,YOU, damm storm. have a day and Loch Long 60 mph wind is a common fact on Cape Cod and surrounding area, so there!!!!
Worked outside all day Wind . Got an inch of snow around noon. Melted off by 4. I lit up a brush pile around 4 and had that burned down. Really started snowing around 6 again so I lit off a massive pile of brush and slabwood. Been wanting to get rid of this pile for a few years. We got a mini blizzard with about 5-6" of snow in a few hours . Good timing as it kept my fire under control. 29 now. We may end up with a good dumping tonite . Oak and coal warming me up .
Could very well be the same band. I looked at the radar around 7:30 and it showed a band coming out of the NNW right over Huron and picking up steam over Erie hitting us directLEE . Double lake effect .
51° yesterday with 50mph winds out of the north. Dead calm and 30° this morning, but headed for 70° with 40mph winds from the south this afternoon. I wish it would make up its mind! Burning some very well seasoned red elm.
Oops! Just heard the grader rumble by plowing snow....maybe I should check again!!! Nope, just cleaning up from not getting plowed yesterday.
Just enough snow here to be annoying, should melt off pretty quick, feel bad for you guys on the right coast!...........
Burning down a few coals then I load up again. 26 out and 73 in.....snow covering but that will be short lived.