50 something degrees today, shut her down to clean her, looking at the weather might not fire back up till Sunday
Got up to the mid 40's this morning but temps have dropped a bit. No sun either. Silver maple in the stove. Should be in the 40's tomorrow with a little bit of sun.
55 at 4 a.m. and the days forecast is calling for 75. This is great weather for mid-February !!!!! So I ain't burning nothing but the breakfast bacon.
44 right now got a small pine and sassafras fire going to keep the place at 78. No need to be burning my oak at these temps. Going to follow Ironpony's lead and shut it down today for a cleaning if need be,
Almost mid 30s currently. Scooped out the coals and leaving the door open on the jotul to cool things down for a chimney sweep this morning. Temps on the rise today, heading to 50°F!
Chimney sweep done, ended up with about 8oz of fine chit. Cap was glazed with level III creosote and was a chore to remove. I'm guessing an overall warm winter with less than usual stove temps are to blame with some of the big oak possibly being above 20%. Temps in the low 40s already, so any burning will wait until tonight.
It got to the mid 50's yesterday. We let the fire go out in the quad. 45 or so today, and we'll get a fire rolling this afternoon. The tstat is set at 67, but it feels cold.
You're getting our weather. Same here, no fire for over a day. Weird, but there was no reason to run the stove.
Temp dropped off again here, about -13 C (1o? F), and yet, with this clear blue sky, we have incredible solar gain today. Having a hard time functioning, can't load up the stove it's been warm for hours. I'll quit being a crybaby, the temp will drop like a rock in about 4 hours!