3 Hasn't varied much in the last 36 hours . Burning some odds and punkies with coal. Prolly partially refill the wood room today.
Sure does, the newer vehicle started but the older vehicle needed the booster cables to get it started. They have this for our area, WIND CHILL READINGS... 30 TO 45 BELOW... FROM THE COMBINATION OF TEMPERATURES OF 15 TO 25 BELOW ZERO... AND NORTHWEST WINDS OF 10 TO 20 MPH WITH GUSTS UP TO 30 MPH, but we don't have any winds at this time.
It was -9 here when I filled the stove at 6:15 am with american elm, black cherry and white oak; house was at 68 down from 73 at last night's 10 pm loading. Turned on the furnace for a few cycles to bring up the temps to 70 and then turned it off. Nice solar gain day for me and temps are up to 73 already; if not careful I may break the current record of 78 in the house. Glad to be in a "warm" spot compared to some here ... hope everyone is keeping warm and enjoying their fires!
Fired up the OWB this morning and busted some wood out for the future. It's cold enough to not want to do anything out there as the wind has picked up! But the sun is shining!
Started the day off with a kindling fire, followed by 3 small splits. That was 5 hours ago. Temp inside went past 80, so I opened the window a crack. Outside temp is just on the freeze/melt line, but with the sun, everything is melting and dripping. Totally rediculous and we're loving it!
Never got over 10°F today, but the sun is strong enough to melt any snow on the shed roof making some nice iceicles. Kept throwing splits of hickory and maple in throughout the day, burning down coals and keeping temps up. We stayed around 75°F in the house. Going back down to 0° tonight with the start of the storm mid to late morning tomorrow. Expecting 2-4" of snow, then sleet, then freezing rain accumulating .25" maybe back to snow and then rain overnight into Tuesday. Then the warmup hangs around for a bit.
-8 last night ,full load of hickory , 17 now burnin ash n sugar maple. Low 13 tonight , Temps going back up ,Lookin at a high near 48 Friday
That's cool, Smokinpiney Kinda reminds me of the "Bender Stove" just a' choochin' away My dad used the double barrel setup in a large smoke house at our house on LI, YEARS ago. Until somewhat recently besides the shop barrel stove, he ran the standard barrel stove for supplemental heat in their last 2 homes. Worked great!
-17 on back porch with a feels like -28 with breeze. Ash gasifying in boiler. We are cruising through some wood now. Better than that bubbling goo yesterday though!!!!!!
My temp this morning is 14f. Heading for upper 20's today if you can believe that! I'm sure its on the way to you, Gasifier . Nice not to have the below zero stuff from the weekend.
Negative 10 here now, but, no wind. That make's it feel like a heat wave! Kicking the stove up now with some pine and oak ( I just grabbed an arm load of wood, and that's what I got ) on the hot coals form last night.