Well we made it past or projected high! -5° so far, maybe gain another degree or 2. Ran the stove with a little more throttle to get the house back to 72 again (with some solar help) so will reload here again in the next 30 mins or so. 8 hrs ain't bad for a 2 cu ft being pushed harder than normal. Although air was only opened an extra 1/8th from where I normally run it and I lost about 2-3 hrs of burn!
I would say that is fantastic given those temps. My stove is about the same size as yours and I've been running it higher than normal like you. We will be single digits tonight; I am curious how things will go once we go negative. Luckily that doesn't happen too often here. 12 with 15+ mph winds, 76 in the house burning 2 black cherry and 2 american elm splits air setting of 1.25; STT topped out at 610 a bit ago presently 550.
Reloaded after a quick snooze (this sitting around inside is kinda boring). It was still 78° in the basement by the stove. Slipped to 71° upstairs should get it back to 72° in about a half hour or so. Loaded er back full up to get to the overnight load about 9:30. Staying steady at -5°, gonna start dropping soon I'd imagine....
we started this am at 27 steamy degrees and are now at 22 balmy degrees. the weather folks say we will lose 15 degrees over the next 12 hours.that will be a comfortable 7 degrees.that's no where near the negative numbers you other guys have but i will still burn some wood this evening. it will be maple from my parents house. the wife will do laundry downstairs, so burn some pellets too! good evening.
25 degrees. Wood boiler fired back up! Ash and Pine burning and it will take a bit to heat boiler and big tank all the way back up.
We're sitting at mid 20's heading down to the mid teens. Something that I haven't seen very often in my life is freezing fog. I went outside a bit ago and thought, is that smoke? Nope, icy deck and spotlight proved fog, weird. Loaded the night load with oak and hickory.
8º outside and the Buck has a belly full of oak, locust and beech. I had loaded this morning then had to take my Dad to the hospital, didn't think we would be gone until 8:30 so I didn't have many coals left. Sad to say but I just don't see him going back home, next stop nursing home as much as I dread the thought.
Thanks Clem, he's almost 92 and he is just too much for my 86 y/o Mom to handle anymore. He doesn't want to go to a nursing home but made the statement that he has to for his wife of 67 years. I agree but it's still tough.