17 outside now. Ironwood, beech, and shagbark in the quadrafire. My wife had to move away from the fire. She got chooched out!
I got that ice water membrane stuff in my valleys. Not at the eave since we never have to worry about ice dams.
Yes they do. You need to install snow guards on them so you dont risk injury or damage. The entire house will shake when the snow lets go!! Also you have to watch the little screws, they have a tendency to work their way out. They are quite popular here although I will be going with asphalt on my house this spring. I have a client who has a 1920s house here (lots of old history in our area of the kootenays). The client wants metal again. The current roof is estimated at about 50 years old! Ive had thoughts of grabbing the roofing for my stacks but I worry about how loud rain will be on it considering Im so close to my neighbor (singular).
Sorry guys I took half hour to write the above as I was talking to the wife. You're spot on clemsonfor about the ice guards. Out here we live by those and they work great. On the steeper stuff we will use the bars that are anchored very well. Also the membrane your talking about in your valleys which is a very strong peel and stick is similar to what we are now using all the way up but I think outside of the valleys its more of a felt. Sorry not a roofer maybe someone else will chime in. Im sure Ill learn all about it this summer!
36 Currently running to 50 today supposeably. So lightly loading with small pieces to get me through...
72 in the house this morning with the stove and DV running all night. It gradually warmed last night to this a.m., and about 14 when I got up. Close to our high of 23 right now, and 77 in here. If it wasn't for the lovely cooling drafts around my lower legs, it'd be downright toasty in here.
Metal is not that loud on a stack. If its raining that hard I think the rain would drown out any noise anyway. I can hear heavy rain on my shingle roof and I have article space!! I have two big all metal car ports and a wood shed with tin and a metal carport, I dont really notice noise. But I guess its all I know
Tarps is throwing money away. I think its not that loud since the metal is against the wood in several spots which helps deaden the sound.? Dont get me wrong its rain on metal so it will make noise but I just dont notice it personally. Its louder on my sheds than the stacks but its not like i go outside in the rain and am like wow that rain on the shed or my stacks is loud.
Around here the ice/water dam stuff is used along the entire eave of a shingle roof. It is 3 feet wide so it does a good job on any roof with a decent slope to it. On my 4/12 roof it means it would take ice a foot thick to back up water above it and cause a leak.
I may have the stuff on eves? I'm pretty sure not. I supervised the whole job pretty well I thought But like I said we dont have ice dams here in this state. Maybe the few areas in the mountains in the worst cold snaps in history might?
Kept snowing lightly all day but the temps are mild again. Almost 20 now...don't mind shoveling the light stuff in those temps!