Going back to working on blueprints, you guy's are more confuzzled than the architects I'm dealing with. BTW- 8 deg. outside with wind, burning Pine and Mulberry.
If you look at Dave's signature you will see a weather ticker that will give an indication of where he is at, below that weather ticker is another indication of where he is at
I am on TapaTalk 95% of the time. You can't see that stuff on here. It cleans the site up and cuts the clutter
Holy Crap BK, stay safe. I have a new respect for the wind since living here and I had to go out in it tonight to get my family and neighbor home. Glad your stove is rockin and rollin!
16 outside, got the lopi loaded up with an 8 1/2" split of ash in the middle of the stove, surrounded by Hickory, and white oak, , 75 inside, put a new filter in the humidifier, fired it up put an extra pan of water on the stove, so I'm ready to rock except I'm sweating sitting on my azz
It's 8 ° out now, I put 5 splits of hickory on a nice hot bed of coals for the overnight. Secondaries are rolling with the air control in the lowest air setting.
Well, despite not having any thong johns to wear, it's about 11 OAT, and 72 inside. Not sure if I should crank up the DV tonight or not. Supposed to hit 8 tonight. I filled the stove with 9 splits of mostly Oak, and a couple Maple. I remember putting 12 in this thing last year. I must have split a bunch larger than normal. It's all gooder.