cold,dark and snowy outside-warm and toasty inside. wood heat warms you all the way man yakking about a couple inches off and on tomorrow morning. happy day.
It was -6 this am. It got up to 10, and now it's 9 out. The quadrafire has been going strong since Saturday with beech and hickory. The furnace has kicked in a couple times. I can deal with that.
We're at 18 degrees tonight, I have a small fire going so I can burn it down before the overnight fire. The overnight fire will be Beech, Sugar Maple and Ironwood.
We are supposed to get 5" overnight and then 8" more throughout the day. Another morning of the dark.....and the cold....and coming home from a cold day of work to shovel some the cold.....and probably in the dark tomorrow evening....get the picture?
Must of been negative 90 yesterday and negative 14 today. High of 20 tomorrow with a 30mph wind, so negative 150 tomorrow. My feet.... cant take it. im old.
Well, that sure changed! 22 farenheit here now, supposed to be the low for tonight. But supposed to be 5f tomorrow night. Nothing like you guys up north, but not 60 in January, either. Got a little bit of snow night before last, and I swear the state highway guys all must've called off. Or else their bosses decided it'd wait till monday. Good lord. Still burning shoulder wood mixers in the princess, hastings is up to 2.
19° Ash in the boiler. Hopefully it will kick on again soon so I can fill it just before I go to bed.
13F here in SW MI stiff wind & lake effect snow. Full load of 3yr seasoned oak in the furnace & 74 inside. 3-6" of powder tonight they say. Winter has finally set in. Dog's curled up on the rug & doesn't seem to wanna go out very bad, & neither do I.
Think you hit the wrong "reply"..... It seems it was Horkn doing the poop, fart, choochin (in no particular order)thing in the post right above Clem's
It's 16 out tonight so we have five nice size rounds of Ironwood on the bottom with Beech and some Sugar Maple on top.
That makes more sense I went back and looked! Haha. I even read my post in the quote several times and was like I didnt mention poops, farts or choochooin once?