Temps dropped steadily throughout the day since midnight. Heading for a temp of nothing (0) for the overnight, but I'm a-thinking it'll be a touch lower than that. I plan on getting up early (as usual) and starting a fire in the eldorado in the basement. Pot of chili will be started and will cook a couple lbs. of beef jerky and I hope to try the fire starters. (making them)
When I woke up at 6AM it was 17 degrees,slowly falling temps all day.0 right now with windchill of minus 22.5 below expected by sunrise tomorrow. Big change from the mid-upper 30's with drizzle/fog/sleet & rain that was most of the past 4 days here.High tomorrow might be 10 if we're lucky,20 on Monday,12 Tuesday & gradually warming to low 30's by next weekend. 78 in here though thanks to a mix of 2 yr White Oak,3 yr Hickory,Green Ash,Mulberry & a few more odds & ends....
I see some room left in the stove Sounds like a good mix of woods. I doubt Ill ever get the chance to try any hedge or Honey Locust
I'm gonna try wax (from old candles; white) and sawdust. I have an old fry pan for the melting mixing and some cardboard egg cartons for the forming if all goes well.
Use some dryer lint too, I have a friend that makes them the same way for his OWB. Put the lint in the carton and pour the wax over it, it soaks up the wax quite well.
Sorry, the temp is currently at -3°f. Just a tad bit cooler than what was forecasted....I think I'll let them slide this time. Supposed to get a breeze today, about 10mph and better, so that will make things interesting for any outside encounters. High will just make it to 2° though. Yeah, I know. It really isn't that cold. Tell my body that!
Down to -11° at the moment, suspect it will drop a few more degrees up till sunrise. House is still at 69° opened up the air and threw a splot on to crank some heat out of the coals. Will then chuck it full of more red oak!! Headed for a high of -1° maybe 0° or 1° above we'll see.
OWB? How many times a year does he light that? Just once for me and it's burning for 7 or so months! Usually "or so"..... I will add dryer lint also. But it is at a premium here as we hang dry the clothes during the winter inside the basement. Was also going to try shredded paper, but my source is not available any longer.
great day to sit outside for about four hours in 0* weather and watch 22 guys chase after each other on the gridiron, eh?????
Should have add he has a little insert in the house he uses them for as well when he uses it once in a while. He only makes a couple dozen and they will last a couple years.
Sounds like exactly what I did minus the insert. Mine is a free standing stove, but in the basement. 99lbs was opposed to it until the power went out one evening for about 8 hours and the sump pump crock had to be hand bailed out! Meantime, the stove was burning and the house stayed comfortable. I think it was right around the end of December last year.