Great forecast last night. Said low 0f 60 and then 70 for today. It is 37 right now. Probably will dip even lower by dawn. Also now forecast 52 for today. Someone needs to get their head straight.
34/66 just started a fire in the insert with Oak and Ash. It was 70+ yesterday mid-day then by 6:30 pm it had dropped into the 40's. The high today is forecasted for 40. Crazy end of March weather. Since I will be home my goal is keep the fire burning and the furnace running as little as possible. Looking at my wood rack inside the garage I will need to bring in wood today as well. Right now is coffee by the fire time.
It wasn't going to begin until evening here....and it did. Power blinked a couple of times but stayed on overnight. Winds picked up but weren't too bad. There is a glaze of ice out there this morning. Tonight, the snow comes. The shovels are still on standby and the plow is still hooked up 28 now and we'll be lucky to get to the mid 30's Vapor Fire is doing it's job making the house happy once again!
29* out and 60 in, snowing pretty steady with 5 inches on the ground. Boxelder and Maple in the stove.
5 days without fire but last night was 40*, borderline cold. Since it is Saturday I built a fire of Doug Fir splits and the Wif is happy again! 55* high today so will still have to let it go out early so we can sleep cool.
Good afternoon everyone, Here in Central Ontario (Muskoka) We have freezing rain, started last night and is to continue til late tomorrow, lots of ice damage, power is off in most areas, lucky ours has just flashed a few times. We are under rainfall and freezing rain warnings, most businesses are closed, it’s a stay home day. Outside temp is 30f inside is 75f, ash burning in the stove.
Yeah I see the ice will hit tonight up north. Hopefully it's less eventful than the weather forecasters are saying. After it hit 76° yesterday and no fire inside, we attempted an outside fire in the pit on the patio. It was warm, like 65° even at night, but very breezy and the smoke would swirl around making it less enjoyable. So that's was kind of a fail. Anyways, I relit the fire in the stove this afternoon. Ash and box elder in the quadrafire. 72° inside, 36° outside. It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow.
We're under a storm warning as of now. Snow and ice. for the next 24 hours. The stuff we got last Sunday/Monday is just about melted. Just another blast from old mother nature.
Word on Facebook is alot of the nothern lower peninsula and the eastern UP got hammered by ice and people are being told to shelter in place. Whole counties without power etc.
32 with Maple and Ash in Wood Gun. Freezing rain outside. Should turn to just rain later this morning.
Remember that the colder it is, the more clothes are needed. Keep it warm enough so the ladies need to shed a few oieces of clothing.
38/69 with another load of aspen going in the stove. This upcoming week looks like an April forecast if I’ve ever seen one Plenty more fires to come this year.
25/68 There is about 7-8" of heavy wet white cement coating everything outside once again!!! Shoveled just a bit and decided that's enough! I'll plow a bit later.........still snowing now. But, we do have electricity!!!
Yesterday was mostly sunny and was in the 80s. Warm weather felt good. No fire. Would have been a great night for campfire, but under burn ban. Today low 70s and overcast.
31* out and 61* in just lit the stove with Boxelder and Maple. We ended up getting about 7" of snow yesterday and now it is getting freezing rain making a wet slushy mess.