-19c/-2f this morning. First load of the day is a funky shaped piece of apple and a bit of doug fir in the stove. It looks to be a beautiful day in the Rockies!
Natural Gas furnace thermostat is set at 67 and is reading 70 inside so the fireplace insert has taken over heating duty for now. This is what I mean by supplemental heat source. I don't burn 24/7 like many of you do. Where I lived previously we burned wood for our main heat source from around 1979 to about 92 or 93. It was a bit silly though as our main source for wood was 100 miles away. Now days I think if you were watching for free firewood postings online you could do much better. It was a forced air wood furnace with an A-Coil in the plenum which had water lines running through to an experimental Paloma-Pak boiler. The wood burner was hooked up to a thermostat and when it called for heat an air induction motor came on and blew into the back of the combustion chamber. When the air in the plenum reached a set point the ductwork blower came on. It worked well for a smoke dragon. When the Paloma Pak died I decided it was time for a regular nat gas furnace and central air which we had never had. Then I hooked an old school boxwood heater to the class A chimney and burned wood scraps, trimmed branches and occasional loads of real firewood in. This will make more sense, if you are wondering about the timeline and my age, to know that when my parents decided to sell my childhood home, my wife and I purchased it. 79 I was still in high school. 86 we purchased that house. Sorry for a long story that sort of hijacked the thread. I have burned over a full real cord of wood so far this year in the insert. I have at least enough for this year and two more years split and crossed stacked with about half of it top covered.
Hopefully I can please the all mighty temperature gods on here 35 outside 66 inside Gonna burn pine tonight Oh, still got a coat and shoes on
It was supposed to get up to upper 30's and maybe it did, but the wind brought it down to cold. Before thinking about the wind, I thought "warm enough to was 2 pickups". Started the first and the north wind really was doing a number on the old fingers. Did get it done, but second, 2019 Super Duty, will have to wait for a warmer day (Monday or Tuesday). Burning mixed with a little hedge in the stove to keep us comfortable.
It is snowing. Hard and lots of snow. Good time not to be on the highways. I (we) shoveled the garage and parking area 4 times since afternoon!
Hit 30 today. Burning assorted mix. Some BL on deck for overnight. Looking forward to more seasonal temps in the next couple weeks.
It’s above freezing for the first time in a week here. 33 heading to 37. Oak, Aspen and Cherry in the Lopi
30 here in the middle of the morning. Burning White Pine and Spruce while on a day off. You hoarders have a good day staying warm with your hoards of firewood.
Sun filed day so far and I might add that the plowing and snow shoveling looks especially good under that natural light! More coming on the way.