Skies cleared up here and presented a brilliant sunset. But that means colder temps for the overnight. Windy all day. Not wildwest type windy, but it's still too cold for this guy to stay outside!
Old farmers around here used to say you should have “half your wood half your hay on Ground Hog Day” or something to that effect.
Temp -19° winds 20 ESE, Gusts to 45 . Windchill -45 to -70 . +68° inside temp . Fire killed White Birch and White Spruce keeping the house comfortable
Of all things, today was calm. Sorry you had wind, the cold blows right through me no matter how many layers of clothing I have on.
Just need more of the right layers. I'm on the carnivore diet. And have lost a good bit of weight . I get cold quite easily now . I wear 2 or 3 layers of poly long johns and 2 thicker layers of fleece shirts . Plus Carhartt pants , and Carhartt Arctic Extreme work coat for when it's 0°F and above . Arctic Extreme , black insulated Carhartt bibs . Slope coat . Beaver fur mushers hat and if it's blowing . Canada Goose , Arctic parka . White Bata bunny boots , Baffin North Slope or double felt liners in oversize Sorel Iceman boots . Here the Cold is something of a constant. Warmth can be fleeting!
Yep, going to be an Adventure . I think I have momma set up with enough firewood and generators to last her a few days. Looks like we are going to get 3/4 inch of ice and 8-10 inches of snow.
24 degrees out, howling wind. About zero with the wind chill. Just stuffed the stove with 42 month CSS ash. 72 degrees in the living room.
Ash and Elm combo went in last night. It did well for 8 hours. Pine and Ash went in this morning on the coals.
9/70 ng boiler is running a smidge. Did not want to get out from the covers. Loading the Buck with whatever is close to the stove (ash, cherry, hickory, elm, sycamore)