Crazy mild fall/winter (a few cold snaps not nearly as cold as most winters), still unusually warm. Windy and gusts alot of days but today's temp went up the 50's outside, must have been Chinooks. As long as we get the snow pack in the high country for water I'll take the warmer weather all day.
-1/68 Yes, I did fire up at bedtime last night. The temps were in the singles and the wind was still active. A lot more coals leftover than I thought there would be this morning. The blower would still cycle intermittently. Thank you Kuuma Vapor Fire!!!!
26. I loaded the stove last night knowing I would let it go out. I needed to clean the back side of the cat and empty ash pan. Loaded and relit with several year stacked BL.
It got down to 3 this morning. If we would have some snow cover, which we don't, the temps would be way below zero. Elm in the Lopi.
73 in. Chestnut oak, chestnut oak and more chestnut oak (I’m going to be doing that for a few years, lol).
19° out, 72° inside. Burning honey locust shorts and ash. Overnight I heard the furnace cycle on and it a few times. 5 am went into the basement and checked. The furnace filter was all out of sorts and blocking the blower. That made it repeatedly fault and shut off after starting. Anyway, I managed to get the filter back where it needed to be and then it ran without an issue. My wife is getting a new filter now. I usually change the filter in fall. Didn't do it this year. Oops
I need to buy one of these kuumas. Tie it into the whole house system. Use the insert to aid when it gets really cold or if we want ambiance
Sunny out but cold. 19F. 70F in. Some good old red oak coaling I have officially burnt 1 full cord as of right now