43 over night. Had a fire going last night, woke up at 3 and the house was 68. Started a fire so when my wife and sister in law get up the house will be toasty. Drinking coffee and its 73 in the stove room! Mostly poplar and some off cuts of hardwood.
Down to 22 on the back porch this morning. Standing dead Pine is still keeping the boiler nice and warm.
And 73 in the stove room sounds awfully cold to me unless there is a door open or something ..or maybe the room is 1500sqft?
Ha 68 was what I set my high temp I would set my heat at! Usually would get down to 62 or so is what I set it for at night. Had plenty of 400-500 dollar electric bills last year with those house temps. Can't wait to see this winter what they will be
Yea we use to sleep at 62 and have it 65 on t stat for the heat pump and sometimes bump hotter before the stove. Now were both cold almost at 65. Stove room is over 82F when stove is cruising and that room is 450sqfoot and has two fans on opposite ends blowing cold air into it!
Yep...and people don't understand how we like it so warm. Those people have never heard of dry heat or placed a humidistat near a wood stove. I had the place down to 27% humidity last night with a hot stove. In the summer, humidity indoors sits at 50+ % even with the air on.
Even though it was 70 in the house this morning, I was cold and decided it was time to fire up the stove. Of all the days to pick. That's right, 69 degrees and 93% humidity
39° out, its rainy and windy. Burning well seasoned basswood in the fireplace. I'm still waiting for my finite countdown until I get my insert. Unfortunately I don't have that day set yet.
I put about a half a load in this mourning as well. Were were basically the same. When I got home was kind of what 82/75 in different parts of my house!!
Yes, I'll be getting one soon, but it has to pass the wife's eye test. Unfortunately there's none that northern tool, Menard's, or similar place has that fits that bill. The Napoleon ep13t, quadrafire grand voyager, and a few others pass that test, but are more $$.
Ahh the old looks test by the wife. We got one we both liked as an insert. The second stove I got what I wanted. An NC30 cheap efficient and classic stove looking. Just have to build the hearth and install the chimney and then set the stove up there.
48 out when I got up. Was 65 in. Turned the thermostat up,,,,,,,,,,,,, and then down. Small fire going now!