Kuuma makes really nice stoves. I may be swinging by their plant on the way up to our cabin one of these days to get a new sauna stove from them. The one we now have is pretty good, but it is no Kuuma!
It got down to 32° last night. I lit a fire in the quadrafire about 6 pm. Box elder and a piece of ash to start and box elder and a short but fat chunk of 5 yr seasoned honey locust for the overnight. I rechooched this am with box elder. I saw 72° in the back hallway thermostat this am. It's easy to keep the house a nice temperature without using the natural gas furnace. Gooder.
0c/32f and an inch of wet snow overnight making everything white. Theres a few pieces of larch on the coals from overnight.
Was 62 inside when I got up this morning. Upper 30's outside. Put the heat pump to 64 and did a chore I've put off for too long- new gasket on the wood stove door. Outside temps made it up to the low 50s. Very comfortable with the sun coming through the windows.
Started fire this morning. I think temps were high 30s . 5 year old kentucky coffee tree doing the work
Low 50s overnight, small fire just for fun. Weird random mix of poplar, oak, and Bradford pear (bad trees but great firewood.)
No fire for probably a week or so by the forecast. Plan is to move a cord to the patio this week in the evenings. 62 today and 70's by Tuesday
Weird mix in my stove too. Catalpa, Honey locust and box elder. Uglies and shorts, they fit in the stove. The evidence will be burned and BTU's extracted. 51 outside, 78 in
Rainy but warm here: 68/ 54. Colder this week. Just filled the boiler with walnut tops left by the logger and silver maple from a downed tree in town. True shoulder wood. Should be good for 36 hours.
I brought in my indoor wood rack last night to be prepared for the on again/off again start of the season. 30 here now and burning mostly red oak chunks.