If it's already bent, then it's okay to be sent! Yeah, cold this am 12° when I woke up. Chilly 68° in the stove room this am as there were not much coals left from a 14 hr burn . Reloaded with ash and box elder. I love how quickly BE lights on fire, especially with barely any coals. Good thing I have a bunch of BE for the coming years. It's supposed to get to 40+ degrees today. 50's tomorrow and then 60's for the weekend.
24 for overnight so not bad. Supposed to get well into the 40's today then warm up the next few days!
36 the house was a little chilly this morning. I started a fire with bottom of the rack old white oak. The wife got up early before the house warmed up to remind how crazy it is to have “all this wood and a cold house.” Looks like I’ll be bringing in wood one more time.
I have about 24 and 72 in. Two splits of RO added to the small coal bed w/ almost full draft and will let that burn out till later tonight. Expecting almost an inch of rain overnight.
The low was 8, it's 12 now. the house stayed warm for last nights reload. Red Oak and some Ash this morning.
33/64 light rain. Big warm up over the weekend w lots of sun. Im not ready for spring, I like winter.
55 out and almost 75 in. Not adding any more wood until maybe this evening. Going for the low 70's on Sunday