Dropped to 62. Inside is 68. Another fire at the pit last evening with two fish poles trying to entice some walleye to come ashore......didn't even get a nibble! Rain and storms today but the next 3 days are in the 80's. Good time to cut grass again.
We will be flirting with record high temp for Oct 1 tomorrow. Current record is 87 set in 1955. We made up for a summer of very little rain over the last week.
Down to 4 C/39 F - my wife finally asked for a fire. We'll be working on a barrel and a half of chunks for the next while. The chunks are actually quite good BTU: ash, apple and some maple. I'll mix in some poplar.
Had a little cooler weather, but we have another summer like blast moving in until late next week 80's coming. Probably need the a/c again.
A bit warm today. At least it's starting to cool down for the evening. Looks like this may be the last blast of summer with fall right around the corner. Got my neighbor's and my gutters cleaned out but forgot to take my brush up for the chimney. Also unloaded the pickup and filled two totes with the wood I cut/split last Sunday.
Your guess is as good as mine. Anywhere from late October on though. Still, where I live now we just do not get much snow. Certainly not like we did in the north. You might get as much as we do.
X2 broke the record for heat on Friday, broke or tied it yesterday, and looking like we will break it again today with predicted 94f. Monday will be 90 but cooler temps coming Wednesday.
High of 70°f low of 54°f, partly cloudy skies with a light breeze from the southwest. Can't complain one bit.
There are lows in the mid 40’s forecast for next weekend. If it happens I will have my first fire. I have a half cord of punky white oak to get rid of.