Low forties and wind with rain. Hail fell this weekend in the north end of the county. chucked in am oak and maple mix.
46 F and rain this morning. Burning a mix of White Pine and Maple. Getting down to the last of the firewood.
Slight break in the rains but still added 3 splits of red oak on the fire to keep the wife warm today.
It snowed all danged day long yesterday! Lucky the temp is right around freezing because when the stuff lands, it either compacts or turns back to water. Must be close to 10" now. I'm resisting putting the plow back on the truck. I think mother nature is gonna win this one though! 32/65 furnace is lit.
Woodstove been running low N Slow for 24 hours couple windows open 52 and a cold rain maybe 38 ish tonight
40/73 got home from work and the wife said she saw all kinds of weather today. Rain, snow, freezing rain/ice and sunshine. I have some ash and locust going. I carried a little of other species up to mix with locust. I've found the stove burns locust much better mixed in.
Two days ago we hit 90. Today only got to the mid 50's. With weather like this I'd like to get another cord of wood CSS. Those of you with snow in May, gosh I'm sorry!
Rain gauge was over 2.75" at my house. More rain today. Calling for a high of 50. No fire right now but stove at the ready for after work.
The UP of MI is not to everybody's liking but that is fine for most yoopers. One definitely has to enjoy winters and they can actually be very nice and also beautiful. The low population is another plus! I still love it.