Add maple syrup and you got breakfast make it for family; you need extra as school closed parents that need to go work call, drop Off an extra kid so yours has some one to play with. That dad drops his plow as a thanks.. Kids go out make snow men and angels, boys will build a fort. Kids will get wet then cold.. you put hat mitten coats near woodstove so they can dry. Kids are still cold so hot chocolate and toast (there’s extra milk and bread) til they warm up Who doesn’t make brownies for dessert this is why smart northern get extra milk eggs and bread Edited And smart dads keep an extra bottle bourbon in the shop
Eggs are for the more financially affluent members.....the ones with their own producers! Shut down? Yeah right!
right now it is -7 and wind chill -25. The wood is Lodge pole pine and Elm. A nice 75 inside. Almost t-shirt weather.
It's 72 degree's right now, in the 70's tomorrow. The Jotul F500 is sitting idle. Gotta love Global Warming
We got about 3-4 inches last night and are getting more now. Cleared off the driveway this morning to get my wife into town for a Dr. appt. Not going to do anything more until tomorrow after the snow has stopped. Oak and elm keeping us warm. Lots of wind now.
We've had about 3" of snow today and now it's freezing rain and 29 out. Some forecasts are calling for up to a quarter inch of ice. I've been working from home all afternoon and have been burning beech, sugar maple and red oak. The house is a comfy 72. I've got the generator ready just in case. It's actually very peaceful outside at the moment with just the rustling of the frozen rain falling.
-21/72 Coop heater quit, frozen water. it was -6 in there so for better or worse chickens are in garage. Barn cat is watching them through glass door from the storage to garage. And our dog is in here with her nose stuck to the crack between inside our house and and the storage area with barn cat.
Holy crap! That’s cold! We are at -10 f right now. We got 10” of snow in the last 18 hours. I dipped into my Honey Locust stash for tonight. 76 f in the house.
66f right now going to 80f today. Let fire go out yesterday and didn't reload last night or this morning. Not burning anything.
-14 with a wind chill of-35 or so. Probably somewhere between 6-10” inches of snow in the last 24hrs, lots of wind, so kinda hard to tell. River birch and hackberry trying to keep the house comfy
Wow yall are cold! We're getting in the 80s today, maybe breaking all time February record. Not trying to rub it in. Winds gusting in the 20s, I'll be running around in fire like yesterday...
46/72. No fire as seventy degrees is predicted. I took a spring fever day at work. About to load up and go hoarding!
Close to 8" this morning with 10/70. Cleared snow off the deck and walk while the dogs did their best to fill it in again! Right now, there is a little "breather" in the weather with not so much snow falling but looking at the radar more (lots more) is on the way within an hour. Just had to back up and take a breath, I guess. Cancelled appointments for the day.