4 hours to get up here and the job is closed, guessing due to the 7-10" of snow. So now stuck in a hotel until until the roads & parking lots get dug out. Bummer.
After all that we got word that the job was put on hold due to fiscal year funding so I high tailed it back to Omaha. What a waste of a day.
I have 42/66. No overnight fire so I’ll start another box full of pine to cure the damp chill inside. Headed for 65 today.
Still stuck in our same relatively decent holding pattern of weather, -20 C/-4F ish at the moment, calm, and nicer later today. While not as nice as Backwoods Savage weather, I'll take this all January long, as I'm usually grumpy from cold weather in a frozen wasteland. I was out wheelbarrowing wood chunks yesterday without a toque on...is this real life?
In Wyoming, we've had 3 straight days of snow and ice. High 20s each day, lows in the singles. From the beginning of November to now, the stove has been running 24/7 except for a few afternoons.
Damp and dreary outside but low 60s. 65 inside. Can't decide if I'm going to do a fire tonight or just wait until 4:30 am and do one in the morning.
It’s 35 and raining.. stoves is going because in my house far easier to keep it warm then get it there! supposed to freeze and turn to ice