Down to 40 now and holding overnight. Currently burning a load of red/sugar maple uglies and a few barkless elm shorts.
36° out supposedly warming up overnight. 75° in. Ash in quadrafire. It's supposed to thunderstorm tomorrow.
50 outside, dense fog advisory until 3 a.m. 60's Tues and Wed then back to more normal temps. Had a small fire last night but will leave the stove cold now until at least Wed evening. If we need a little heat the NG boiler can run.
57 at 4:45am. Nice for working outside and chit for firewood sales. I’m thinking there will be some extra wood in the house rack come March.
Anybody else wake up too hot!!? wasn’t expecting it to be in 50s this morning i got to slow down burning this week its too warm in the house
It's 54 degrees outside 72 inside. The boiler has some ash rounds in it. This kind of weather is why I love my outdoor boiler it doesn't kick on unless the thermostat calls for it.
34f here and had thunderstorms overnight. Currently lite rain/sleet. Supposed to be heading to Yankton, SD and may head out at 6:00 for a 9:00 AM job. Everything is showing snow/ice up that way.
Was doing some cutting yesterday and didn't even wear a coat. I still sweat like it was July. Danged humidity... It was 38 degrees.
25 and a pretty good snow coming down. Probably got 12 inches or so and it is supposed to last well into the afternoon. Deepest single snow event we’ve had in a loooong time. Mixed bag in the stack by the stove, river birch, elm, hackberry, and some kind of mystery wood from about 3 years ago
Woke to 47 and rain. 70 inside w/ the fire out. Built one with 3 splits of pine and one small oak just to take any chill out for my daughter who is still home from college. My yard will be hopeless for weeks after all this rain.
35/71 with continuing thunderstorms.... Yes, thunderstorms on Jan 3. Our road went from packed snow to a sheet of wet ice. Noooo good. Guess I'll be forced to take the all-terrain Prius if I go somewhere On my 4th reload of 3 large R.Oak splits per load. Keeping the place toasty warm for 12hr shots. Hard to believe! More decent temps on the way. Good for wood savings I suppose.
Still stuck in this not exactly warm but warmer than average weather, that -18 to-20 C/0 or -4 F nights, -15 C/6? F daytime kinda thing, maybe a bit warmer. We've had dump after dump of snow, so I got the whole snow on the roof of the shack insulation thing happening. Enough to keep it warmer in here but not quite enough to shovel it off. Pine in the reactor.