_4/66F with a rather interesting forecast! Good shot of snow and 40-50mph winds starting this afternoon. Hmmmm. Fitting for the first official day of winter.
18 below. 78 in the house. Suppose to get 50 plus below in a few hours. Going to go paper a garage and then I'm done for the day.
High of 40 today...even a little sunshine. Boiler is still working on last night's load of random stuff. I'll probably let the coals burn down and empty the ashes this evening...I plan on running some larger loads during this cold snap and don't want to be out in the -30 wind chill any longer than I have to. A 12 hour burn is a chip shot, even in that weather.
-31 Celcius, -21 F, with a windchill of -40. Its frigid here in Alberta. Been dipping in to the white birch and maple to stay warm.
Another brisk morning in Sask, -28 C feels -39 C, or -20 ish F feels -40 F. Pine uglies in the reactor with a lil help from the oil furnace (because wife is not part polar bear).
-28c/-18f for me in the east kootenays. Larch and fir in the box as always. foothillsfire Im heading the 3 hours drive to Calgary today to pick up family from the airport. Her flight was to land at 3 pm but due to the shenanigans at the Vancouver airport yesterday she is now landing at 7 pm. A visit to Costco and bbq galore is in store for me this afternoon! Ive never burned maple before aside for smoking wood. We dont get any around here.
Good luck on the drive Sean, hope the highways have been plowed. If you have the option visit the TSUUT'INA Costco on the West Edge of the City, it will be less busy and has the best gas prices. And great call to visit BBQ's galore. There is a fair amount of Manitoba maple planted around as yard trees, keeping an eye on FB Marketplace and Kijiji I can get a few free pickups now and then!
Last night temps dove lower than they've been in a while. House was 74 by the time I went up to bed just after 8 pm. There stove probably had 30% remaining in its burn time left, but I wanted to see how it'd go. Woke up at 5 and the house was 60. I was pleased with the outcome. Loaded up with what I strongly believe to be some kind of maple, a split of oak, a handful of bark I use to rekindle off the coals and 2 tried and true wood bricks. Temps in Western CT here are going to raise quite a bit Thursday and Friday to the mid 50's then like much of the country are going to plummet Friday night. Strong storms are supposed to whip through so I wouldn't be too surprised if we lose power.
Plowed the 5-6" we got on Mon overnight this morning in anticipation of making room for the 8-15 with locally 24 to 35 inch forecast we listened to! I guess the local forecasts needed to sound off too. Anyway, it is now above zero and the snow has begun an hour ago. A little over an inch in the first hour. At that rate, there should be a nice pile by tomorrow morning. 1 outside now. At least the winds haven't started yet. 45-60 mph predicted